Dickinsonian, October 26, 1989

College Board of Trustees vote to adopt a resolution endorsing the Select Committee Report on Greek Life. Official investigation into student's death is completed. In light of charges brought against Alpha Chi Rho for their involvement in the accident, the fraternity pleads guilty and the chapter is suspended indefinitely. Committees to discuss plan to alter the weekly schedule. The Conventional Theater puts on a production of "Talking With", with both students and professors performing.


Dickinsonian, October 5, 1989

Freshman Steven Butterworth dies from major head injuries after falling out of a 3rd story window at the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity the night before. All campus alcohol related activities banned indefinitely. IFC suspends all membership privileges to the fraternity pending further investigation. Results of referendum concerning the Select Committee Report on Greek Life calculated. Carlisle Mayor Kirk Wilson discusses improvement of campus/community relations.


Dickinsonian, September 14, 1989

Faculty endorses Select Committee Report on Greek Life by nearly unanimous vote. Residential Life allows Sigma Alpha Epsilon members to return to Biddle House basement. Registered parties now to be checked at random by campus police in accordance to the College's alcohol policy.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 7, 1975

An amended version of the Steiner-Backer resolution for special interest housing is adopted by faculty giving special interest groups clearly affiliated with an academic program housing priority. Allan continues to defend the abolition of Dean's List. Student body officer elections result in Marty Redman as president, Seth Ray as vice-president, and Gil Sperling as treasurer. The Admissions Committee seeks change in Advanced Placement exam credit. The Mermaid Players production of Rashomon receives great reviews. A subcommittee calls for better athletic facilities.
