Dickinsonian, March 15, 1990

SASC subcommittee discusses and proposes changes to recognition draft in open forum discussion with students, faculty, and staff. Changes to be discussed at a later date. Housing Board issues final decisions for group housing in the 1990-1991 academic year. Butterworths hire private investigators to look into their son's death.

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Dickinsonian, February 15, 1990

Several campus groups endorse nationwide student environmental demonstration, Dickinson students to join PA section at the State Capitol building in Harrisburg. Housing Board holds information session to outline changes in the special interest housing application process. Library's AV room renovated. Harmut Mechtel, founding member of the largest opposition group in East Germany speaks in Memorial Hall.


Dickinsonian, April 18, 1991

For Earth Week, DARE stresses environmental resourcefulness. Common Hour speaker Peter Montague discusses toxic waste problems. Rape is discussed at Health Center. Housing Board grants different living arrangements for Sigma Chi and Phi Kappa Psi. Dana Stuchell of Animal Rights Mobilization presents on factory farming as part of Earth Day festivities. Mermaid Players perform "Six Characters in Search of an Author." Robert Koller presents photography project. Buffy Arnold performs senior recital. Faculty flutists Beth Bullard and Mary Hannigan perform. Comedian Rich Hall performs in ATS.


Dickinsonian, April 11, 1991

Student Senate President Sonya Lin and administration reflect on term. Laura Croghan, Stephen Katz, and Joe Cardinale chosen as new Senate officers. Sen. John Heinz's unexpected death leaves void for Commencement speaker. Groups (Sigma Chi, Phi Kappa Psi, and the Multicultural House) appeal recent Housing Board verdict. Common Hour features panel discussion of post-war repercussions in Gulf. Underclassmen find frustration in new pre-registration system. College outlines 10-year Campus Plan to guide it into next century. Roger Manning and King Missile perform in ATS.


Dickinsonian, April 4, 1991

New Senate resolution restricts Concert Committee selection process. Rape Awareness Week features various events, including upcoming panel discussion. Class pre-registration method revised. Housing Board decides next school year's SDLC locations. English major redesigned for this year's freshmen. Roberta Hall speaks at Common Hour about gender inequality in classrooms. Former College administrator George Shuman, Jr. passes away.

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Dickinsonian, February 14, 1991

PAS opens with David Gergen speaking on changes in Europe. To apply in fall, Housing Board requires fraternities to fill 75 percent of beds. Despite recession, seniors overall optimistic towards post-college success. Sen. John Heinz to give commencement address. Alexander Politkovsky speaks out against Russian media repression. A "suspicious individual" reported on campus. Sophomore Chad Crammer arrested for robbing Morgantown, PA Pizza Hut. Lack of funding delays demolition of Russian and ROTC Houses. D.A.R.E. slated to stage "Don't Mall the Trees" rally at Seven Gables Park.

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Dickinsonian, April 1, 1993

Articles for April Fools Day:  Articles from historical Dickinsonians. Denny Hall destroyed in fire. Senate passes strict rules for freshmen. Red Devils football defeats Penn State. Old West Mermaid replaced by replica. Dickinson during the Civil War. Barry Goldwater speaks on the Greek system, political doctrine.
