Dickinsonian, May 15, 1953

The Union Philosophical Society will award the Commencement speaker, Secretary of Interior Douglas McKay, the first Union Philosophical Society Award since its rejuvenation. The College awards Trustee Scholarships to five future Dickinsonians. Walter Fish elected President of Student Senate for the next year. Profile on Dickinsonian Emil Weiss. The Dickinson Golf Team defeats Albright. Dickinson Lacrosse wins against Western Maryland College. Dickinson places second in the Little Three Track Championships.


Dickinsonian, May 8, 1953

Plans for a student-published humor magazine called "The Devil." New student counseling system has been approved and will go into effect next Fall. Faculty promotions announced. Profile on faculty member Sargent Joseph F. Kolodinsky. Profile on Dickinsonian, E. Donald Shapiro. Dickinson Lacrosse defeats Lafayette.


Dickinsonian, May 31, 1958

The American Association of University Professors censures the administration of Dickinson College. Construction work on the Allison Methodist Church and C. Scott Althouse Hall of Science continue on schedule. The Student Center Committee to submit student survey results to the trustees. Hon. Arthur Langlie to speak at tomorrow's Commencement ceremony. Article discusses the inadequacies and discomfort of the Mermaid Players' facilities. The Track Team completes its best season since 1915. Phi Kap's named Inter-Fraternity Champions. Dickinson Swimming wins its 17th consecutive meet.


Dickinsonian, April 12, 1957

The newly developed President's Trophy to be awarded annually to a fraternity for good campus citizenship. Two collegiate sports added: wrestling and cross country. Mr. T. S .J. George, editor of the Bombay Free Press Journal, Bombay, India, to speak at the Student Christian Association. Construction progressing on Allison Memorial Methodist Church. Alexander Hamilton historian Richard Hunt to speak. The lacrosse team wins against Franklin & Marshall. Profiles on student athletes, Susan Hansell and Bob Gladfelter


Dickinsonian, April 5, 1957

Outline of events for Inter-Fraternity Weekend. The Mermaid Player's spring production, "The Heiress" to open this week. Dr. Bertram H. Davis, Professor of English, and Mr. Dentler of the Sociology Department submit resignations. Theta Chi wins the Inter-Fraternity League Championship in basketball. Dickinson Lacrosse and Baseball Teams win. Details of the Joseph Priestley Award Ceremony - Dr. Teller receives the prestigious award.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 1951

Dr. Clarence Little was awarded an honorary degree of Doctorate of Humane Letters at the Founder's Day event. Profile on Professor Ralph Schetcher. The tennis team wins three matches and loses one. Dickinson lacrosse defeats Franklin & Marshall, but loses its first ever game in a match against West Chester. The baseball team wins against Susquehanna. Phi Psi remains undefeated in the Inter-Fraternity League.

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Dickinsonian, April 27, 1951

The Dickinson Follies' play, "Fly By Night" opens. Omicron Delta Kappa, a national honorary leadership fraternity, taps twelve new members. As a result of a monetary deficit, the college snack bar will close for the remainder of the term. The Scull and Key awards Sidney D. Kline, Jr. with the annual Outstanding Freshman Award. Profile on Dickinsonian Hamlin Neely. Dickinson lacrosse ties a game with Swarthmore and defeats Western Maryland. The track team wins against Juniata. The baseball team earns a victory over Elizabethtown.


Dickinsonian, April 20, 1951

Omicron Delta Kappa gives their Activities Award to the Belles Lettres Society and the Dickinson Follies. The campus honorary groups, the Scull and Key and the Wheel and Chain, tap new members.A representative of Chesterfield offers cigarettes as a contest prize. Dr. Eric W. Barnes, head of the English Department, leads a discussion of Arthur Miller's play, "Death of a Salesman" at a Belles Lettres meeting. Profile on Dr. Arthur M. Prinz. The lacrosse team remains undefeated following their victory over Franklin & Marshall. The baseball team defeats Franklin & Marshall. Dr.


Dickinsonian, April 13, 1951

"D" Club lacrosse seeks recognition as a intercollegiate varsity sport. Details of the Spring Formal. Renowned young violinist, Joyce Renee to give a concert in Bosler. Three teams remain undefeated in the Inter-Fraternity League: Beta Theta Pi, Phi Epsilon Pi, and Phi Psi. Dickinson Baseball win their first game of the season. Dickinson Tennis defeats Juniata.

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Dickinsonian, June 10, 1955

Sixteen Dickinson seniors will be commissioned as second lieutenants in the United States Army Reserves. Eight honorary diplomas will be awarded at graduation, three of whom are Dickinson graduates from previous years. The Cultural Affairs Committee sites a successful year with many speakers and showcases coming to campus over the past months. The 182nd Commencement will be held on Benjamin Rush Campus in two days with a full day of activities planned for both that day and Senior Day, which is today.


Dickinsonian, May 6, 1955

Dr. Milton Eddy of the biology department retires at the age of seventy. He is known for his work with identification through hair specimens. Murray Eckell, a junior on the Washington Semester, testifies before the United States Senate's Subcommittee on Charter Review and states his opinions on the United Nations' Charter. The US Marines offer a new program for seniors to learn to be a pilot for the Marine Corps. At a recent faculty meeting it's decided that women's fraternity rushing will be moved to first semester and will happen simultaneously with men's fraternity rushing.


Dickinsonian, June 3, 1950

Over 1000 students, alumni, and guests are expected to attend the weekend's Commencement exercises, at which Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam is the key speaker. The College announces that it will award 8 honorary degrees, and that an additional 15 seniors have been elected to Phi Beta Kappa, the national honor fraternity. Anne Bennethum '25 exhibits 29 original artworks in Bosler Hall. The lacrosse team, popular but still not sanctioned by the college, finishes the season undefeated.

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Dickinsonian, March 30, 2006

The Quarry revamps its ordering system, allowing students to fill out an order form with an order number for their sandwich. This eliminates long lines and crowds of standing people and instead lets them sit and wait for their food. 192 Dickinson students are accepted into Dickinson programs and partner programs to study abroad for the 2006-2007 school year. At least 90% of those who apply to study abroad are accepted.

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Dickinsonian, April 22, 1999

Senate ponders giving seats to IFC/Panhel, meets heated opposition to proposal. Faculty set for final vote on the curriculum. Former dean of enrollment at Johns Hopkins University, Robert Massa, named new VP for enrollment management. Senate requests investigation into possible Title IX violations for improper treatment of women's sports by the Athletic Department. A farewell interview with President A. Lee Fritschler. Titanic disaster revisited - freshman seminar reenacts last supper aboard the fateful ocean liner. Professor Priscilla Laws nets $1 million for physics education.


Dickinsonian, March 12, 1998

Senate allocates this year's budget surplus. Senate grants $30K to Depot Planning Board. College awarded $7.5 million from Alice Rosene and John Beyard Sharp, as well as oil and gas rights on the estate - the largest single donation in the college's history. College focuses on 'global awareness'. Senate committee reviews curriculum, hoping to integrate writing and computer skills throughout all majors. Profile of women in Umoja House.


Dickinsonian, March 2, 1995

New commission to examine the College's paper consumption. FAS Mailroom plans to move. Speakers debate obstacles to Russian reform at Clarke Center forum. Depot set to open Saturday. ODK taps nine new members. Sexual harassment policy under review. College students travel to the Bahamas to research marine science with Prof. Marcus Key.

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Dickinsonian, April 28, 1983

Miller Beer retracted its sponsorship of Greek Week after they were unable to come to an agreement with the IFC and Dickinson's administration regarding the limits that would be placed on Miller during the week. The Skull and Key Society expressed interest in being reinstated after having been suspended in 1981 for throwing beer kegs through windows of fraternity houses. The Evolutionary biologist Dr. Stephen Gould was given the Priestley Award. The Society of Hispanic Students was founded in response to the growing Hispanic community on campus.


Dickinsonian, April 21, 1983

Omicron Delta Kappa and Wheel and Chain presented their newest members on the steps of Old West before a large crowd on Wednesday evening. The Student Senate unanimously passed the 1983-84 Spring Activities Budget on Tuesday. Dickinson's first annual Siblings Weekend is slated to occur, starting on Friday, April 21st and going until Sunday, April 23rd. Senior raised $29,200 for the college during the 1983 Senior Gift Drive. Dickinson has initiated the "7000" plan, a student loan program for students in higher income brackets.


Dickinsonian, March 5, 1992

Judy Gill chosen as director of the Writing Center. Carlisle Police arrest campus intruder. 1992-93 budget eliminates stipend for freshman seminar instruction. IBM computer owners prepare for Michelangelo computer virus. Number of African-American students on campus declines as diversity is emphasized. Administrators explain and complain about gender barriers and sexism. Students work for cruelty free campus, bookstore, and world. Dickinson and Penn State choirs perform joint concert. Leon Golub receives arts award. Mermaid Player's production of Cloud Nine spurs discussion on sexuality


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1979

In this issue, College Chaplain John S. Reist has resigned to take up a teaching job in Kansas City. In light of Chaplain Reist's departure, a search committee has been formed to find another chaplain. The Special Olympics was held on Biddle Field this year, and fraternity Beta Theta Pi helped with the event. The Men's Lacrosse team earns its first victory after six previous loses.


Dickinsonian, April 9, 1976

Freshman Carol Olnick accepted as one of the first women to attend West Point Academy. 1976 Mock Convention will feature speeches by Rep. William Cohen and Rep. Frank Evans. A prank by two Beta Theta Pi brothers to a set of independents' rooms leads to near-fatal arson. This fall, Lower Quad is to become co-ed. "Eating Out" favorably reviews the Locker Room and the Rusty Nail.

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Dickinsonian, April 2, 1976

Michael Kammen is to speak at College's celebration of the national bicentennial. Controversy between Phi Epsilon Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternities climax with three brothers of the former spreading excrement around the door of a brother of the latter. Plans for campus rathskeller are considered. "Eating Out" reviews The Jolly Bull, which receives a 5/5 star rating. Jacob Klein will lecture in Memorial Hall.


Dickinsonian, March 26, 1976

Pres. Banks receives honorary Doctor of Letters degree from the College of Charleston. Tenure debates continue, "concern[ing] faculty." In "Eating Out," The Gingerbread Bread Man and The House of Pizza are reviewed, receiving 2/5 and 3/5 stars, respectively. Institutional Priorities and Resources candidates Frederico Talley, Jr. and Mark Sundback, are featured. A "brief history" of the Fraternity Quadrangle is featured.

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Dickinsonian, March 5, 1976

Student Committee for Social Reorganization (SCSR) challenges student apathy. Maison Francaise sponsors Mardi Gras Masquerade. "Eating Out" reviews Coast to Coast and Rillo's restaurants. Delta Group proposes changes for College campus. Women's Basketball team defeats Elizabethtown to clinch league.
