Dickinsonian, April 26, 1979

In this issue, College Chaplain John S. Reist has resigned to take up a teaching job in Kansas City. In light of Chaplain Reist's departure, a search committee has been formed to find another chaplain. The Special Olympics was held on Biddle Field this year, and fraternity Beta Theta Pi helped with the event. The Men's Lacrosse team earns its first victory after six previous loses.


Dickinsonian, March 8, 1979

In this edition, an Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on Tenure that has been formed discusses more flexibility with the tenure program. The Mediation Committee finally has come to a decision about tenure appeals for Professors Dennis Klinge and Marjorie Fitzpatrick. The committee ruled that the tenure procedures, that were considered unfair by students, were found acceptable. The Social Committee faces problems of low attendance to events and a low budget, the chairman of the committee, Al Jennings, blames it on the times and apathy.

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Dickinsonian, September 14, 1978

In this issue "The Dickinsonian" addresses the present tenure system and its unpopularity amongst faculty. New College Chaplain, John S. Reist Jr. has redefined the role of the chaplain to the College and the community. An article discusses whether or not unborn children have rights and asks for student's opinions. Bill Koltnow, amateur boxer, formed the school's first Boxing Club. The soccer and football teams have positive outlooks for the season.

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