Dickinsonian, December 7, 2011
A Clarke Forum event explores Penn State Scandal. Delta Sigma collects toys for the holidays. Delta Nu holds fundraiser for Uganda. Russian Department holds Talent Show.
A Clarke Forum event explores Penn State Scandal. Delta Sigma collects toys for the holidays. Delta Nu holds fundraiser for Uganda. Russian Department holds Talent Show.
Antonio Banderas to visit the college. Distant connection found between Justice Gabriel Duvall, who funded the construction of Old West, and President Barack Obama. Petition for sexual orientation to be added to Dickinson's non-discrimination policy. Delta Sigma Phi and Delta Sigma Theta hold a fundraiser in Old West. Third Degree Steppers win at Apollo Night. Susannah Barlow becomes the Women's Center director. The Department of Theatre and Dance will present the Freshmen Plays. Men and Women's cross country teams secure places in the NCAA Divisions III championships.
As fraternity rush season takes off, Kappa Sigma fraternity considers reapplying for recognition on campus after being suspended in 2004. The TV ad-hoc committee established recently by Student Senate releases a poll of potential cable channels to be added to Dickinson's repertoire. MOB and Delta Sigma Phi fraternity hold a CD release party for a local student band. A former technician in the biology department is charged with stealing $146,000 from the school by charging personal purchases to a department credit card and submitting false receipts for reimbursement.
Senate ponders giving seats to IFC/Panhel, meets heated opposition to proposal. Faculty set for final vote on the curriculum. Former dean of enrollment at Johns Hopkins University, Robert Massa, named new VP for enrollment management. Senate requests investigation into possible Title IX violations for improper treatment of women's sports by the Athletic Department. A farewell interview with President A. Lee Fritschler. Titanic disaster revisited - freshman seminar reenacts last supper aboard the fateful ocean liner. Professor Priscilla Laws nets $1 million for physics education.
The College Governance Group Proposes the creation of college committees of faculty, students, and administrators in place of present faculty committees. The Student Senate considers four options in area major and distribution requirements. SMC gains the approval of CPS, the nations largest student antiwar conference and presents President Nixon with "we won't go" petitions. A study on student participation in the Math and Philosophy departments is completed.