Dickinsonian, December 12, 1985

Barry Gaal, the College's Business Manager, has resigned after 15 years. The new course evaluation procedure, which had been started the following year, is received well by professors. Parents all over the United States have been requesting a rating system for music as a form of censorship. Ted Kirkpatrick achieved the 1,000 point milestone in basketball. This is the first year that the Dickinson College Boxing Club will have the potential to vie for team title based on the results of the Regional Qualifier.

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Dickinsonian, February 27, 1970

The College Governance Group Proposes the creation of college committees of faculty, students, and administrators in place of present faculty committees. The Student Senate considers four options in area major and distribution requirements. SMC gains the approval of CPS, the nations largest student antiwar conference and presents President Nixon with "we won't go" petitions. A study on student participation in the Math and Philosophy departments is completed.


Dickinsonian, February 20, 1970

Dickinson's Mermen win their 100th meet for coach Dave Eavenson. Satirist Paul Krassner, editor of The Realist, will speak on American censorship. Dave Plymyer assumes the position of Senate President. Price's readings receive positive reviews.

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