Dickinsonian, February 20, 1970

Dickinson's Mermen win their 100th meet for coach Dave Eavenson. Satirist Paul Krassner, editor of The Realist, will speak on American censorship. Dave Plymyer assumes the position of Senate President. Price's readings receive positive reviews.

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Dickinsonian, November 7, 1969

An outline of events for homecoming are announced as well as the candidates for homecoming queen. Negotiations for a parade permit continue for the "Mass March" in DC to be attended by SMC. Student senate allows the proposed funds for student organizations. Governance Task Force, a national organization, will analyze Dickinson's administration. The Holland Union Board buys an 8mm Camera free for students to use two days at a time. A committee on ROTC policies issues a report that stresses reform.


Dickinsonian, September 19, 1969

The Student Affairs Committee will deal with disputed Social Rules between students and Deans by hearing individual appeals. President representatives from each woman's dorm have come together to form the Women's Presidents' Council to stay consistent on social rules and regulations such as curfews. A document compiling and interpreting the "Rights and Limitations on Speech and Assembly" has been distributed by the Dauphin County Legal Service Association.

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