Dickinsonian, April 18, 1969

In regards to last week's controversial arrest of three black students, President Rubendall seeks cooperation between college and community as students call for a week-long boycott of Carlisle merchants; what some call a kangaroo court finds two of the students - Mike Floyd and Elkin Tolliver - guilty. Academic Program Committee holds hearing of proposed changes in ROTC. Dean Merle Allshouse requests "self-restraint" and the "exercise of the power of reason" concerning the student arrests. Spahr Lecture to focus on Moncure Conway.


Dickinsonian, May 9, 1969

In this "experimental" magazine-type issue, an opening essay urges the college to build a "firmer relationship" with the community. It is reported that Tony Marcson's call to boycott Carlisle business has been unsuccessful. Parents' Day reveals "communication gap" between parents and students "symbolizing different perspectives and understandings." A "Vietnam Graduation" to be held in honor of draft-resisting seniors. The Central Pennsylvania Consortium, made up of Dickinson and three nearby liberal-arts colleges, is involved in planning an urban studies center in Harrisburg.

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Dickinsonian, April 25, 1969

Dean Gillespie outlines the disorderly conduct charges on Ron Lane. Controversy surrounds Prof. Daniel Crofts after his refusing draft induction. Court finds Lane guilty of disorderly conduct. Michael Bloom awarded Summerfield Scholar of the Year by Phi Kappa Psi. Eric Voegelin to guest lecture. In Cultural Affairs event, flutist Julius Baker to perform. Dr. Anthony Mach is interviewed about Summer Transition Program.

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Dickinsonian, April 11, 1969

President Rubendall announces that although pledges for the Ford Foundation Challenge Grant exceed the goal of 6 million dollars, the money has yet to materialize. Elkin Tolliver, Mike Floyd and Ron Lane are arrested as both students and townspeople picket in front of municipal building in controversial racial incident. Dr. Gerald S. Hawkins, dean-designate, is introduced. William Kroll to perform in the Social Hall. William Durden and seven others receive ROTC scholarships. Larry Warner gives talk, "Dickinson: Our Glorious Alma Mater," in Denny Hall.


Dickinsonian, April 4, 1969

Linus Pauling accepts Priestley Award and gives speech. Students and community attend Passover Seder in social hall. To protest Vietnam War, some students boycott campus Coke machines. Dr. Flint Kellogg to present paper on Civil Rights Movement at next year's International Sinological Conference in Taipei, Taiwan. Carlisle Hospital Auxiliary sponsors "Narcotics and Society" presentation to be held in Holland Union Building.

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Dickinsonian, March 28, 1969

Student Senate passes measures including a proposal on independent housing. AAUP (American Association of University Professors) chapter declares that Prof. Ralph Sandler "has no claim" for his recent grading experiment. Bernard Greenhouse to perform in Old West.


Dickinsonian, March 7, 1969

Student Senate votes to cut academic credit for future ROTC courses. W.H. Auden to preach in College Church. Faculty makes changes including "search-seizure" policy. "Declare Day 1969", an "unprecedented" joint meeting between Senate and faculty, is reviewed. Earl Wild to perform in concert. Arthur Murphy interviews newly elected Prime Minister of Afro-American Organization Mike Floyd. Radio drama debuts at Dickinson as Brad Fischer's original play, "The Crucifixion of Eric Leute," is to play over WDCV.


Dickinsonian, February 28, 1969

All-college moratorium set for March 5. Report making governance proposals submitted to Policy Committee. Phi Psi withdraws from Interfraternity Council. Mrs. Daniel Crofts to deal with conscientious objectors through draft counseling. Utilization of black recruiters proves successful. Transcript of Policy Committee's statement on Grading System featured. C.A. Partrides presents lecture in Holland Union Building. Student Senate issues statement concerning "confidential" files controversy. Gamma Phi Epsilon hosts forum on grading system.

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Dickinsonian, February 21, 1969

Prof. Ralph Sandler's "experiment in educational motivation" receives a four-point recommendation. Co-ed dormitories to open. Over 500 students expected to fast for fund-raising effort to Biafra. Dickinson Anthropologist H. Wade Seaford, Jr. receives National Science Foundation grant to study facial expressions. Public Affairs Symposium on "Dissent" overviewed. Additional articles discuss academic standards and issues related to Sandler's experiment. Swimming coach David Eavenson earns NCAA position.


Dickinsonian, February 14, 1969

Challenges for Jack Stover, newly-elected President of Student Senate, are presented. Prof. Ralph Sandler issues statement of opposition towards college grading system as each student in his English class is awarded an "A". Women's Interdormitory Council seeks abolition of curfew, proposing a card-key system in its place. Sponsored by the Department of Religion, the Society for Krishna-Consciousness is set to perform a kirtan ceremony. Raymond Jones reflects on experience in Russia. Bologna is analyzed by Margaret Hlinka. LSD is discussed in Drug Education Committee report.

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Dickinsonian, February 7, 1969

Peter Cohen and Jack Stover face-off in Student Senate elections. Faculty approves requirements for inclusion in History major. Librarians object to location of planned Tuvin Auditorium. Drug Education Committee reports on "marihuana." Martha & The Vandellas to perform in Holland Union Building. Daniel Crofts explains draft status controversy. Robert Tyson, newly-elected President of Interfraternity Council, is interviewed.

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Dickinsonian, January 31, 1969

Allshouse resigns as Associate Dean. Highlights from the most recent faculty committee meeting are given. The Academic Program Committee will hold an open hearing on the College Calendar. The red devil's basketball team beats previously undefeated PMC. Developments continue in the fraternity housing dilemma. Statistics on pollution and environmental awareness are given. Lysistrata will be preformed again due to popular demand.


Dickinsonian, December 17, 1969

The Public Affairs Symposium will focus on environmental pollution with the topic "Science and Public Policy: Environmental Pollution." The final Vietnam Moratorium day for this month is announced. A Senate vote on fraternity housing solutions ends in a 18-18 tie. An enticing review of Lysistrata is given. The future of Dickinson's basketball team is discussed.

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Dickinsonian, December 12, 1969

Student Senate has been very busy in an attempt to clear its agenda before next week's discussion of housing--approving a change in registration, endorsing a proposal to revise the grading system, redefining fraternities, and setting the date of all-college elections. The Ad-Hoc subcommittee on ROTC continues to meet to negotiate its contract negotiations with the US Army and faculty. Members of the Central Pennsylvania Consortium meet to plan the summer transition program.


Dickinsonian, December 5, 1969

Prof. Andrews heads a discussion for faculty and students on what qualifies as campus disruption and what can be done about it. The debate on fraternity housing continues as more potential solutions are presented. The Social Affairs Committee offers alternatives to the dilemma. Dr. Kellogg begins sociological research on urban blacks. WDCV expands its studio facilities and will be improving transmission to dorms. Warner will be releasing the film Woodstock.

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Dickinsonian, November 21, 1969

Deans debate how to deal with the problem of fraternity housing as housing space is limited and fraternities are not filling up their residence halls. The Social Affairs Committee proposes that fraternities be given a list of all personal to live in the house and any that do not fill their hall will be moved to a smaller residence hall. A 5 part proposal was introduced at a Policy Committee meeting to foster more open communication between students and faculty.


Dickinsonian, November 14, 1969

Student Senate proposes that student representation be introduced on the President's Advisory Council. The resolution charging WDCV of falsification of accounts and misuse of funds was withdrawn after further investigation. For the first time since the founding of Dickinson, students sat down with the board of trustees to discuss campus concerns. The Summer Transition Program has been evaluated to the conclusion that the program will continue with suggested improvements.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1969

An outline of events for homecoming are announced as well as the candidates for homecoming queen. Negotiations for a parade permit continue for the "Mass March" in DC to be attended by SMC. Student senate allows the proposed funds for student organizations. Governance Task Force, a national organization, will analyze Dickinson's administration. The Holland Union Board buys an 8mm Camera free for students to use two days at a time. A committee on ROTC policies issues a report that stresses reform.


Dickinsonian, October 31, 1969

The Student Senate formed a budget with a high allotment for the student activity fund. The Red Devils' win over Muhlengerg College moves them into first place in the Southern Division of the Middle Atlantic Conference, College division for football. SMC calls for students to strike on Nov. 14, the day before the nationwide marches on DC, in protest of the Vietnam conflict. Construction of ATS began two months ago and is expected to be completed for fall 1970.


Dickinsonian, October 17, 1969

Students successfully celebrated Vietnam Moratorium day. There is an extensive pictorial spread of the event and others like it. A forum was held to discuss the aftermath, effects, and opinions of the Moratorium on campus. There is a followup on the disbandment of the fraternity committee. Along with presidents from 75 other prestigious privet colleges, President Rubendall appealed to President Nixon for an updated timetable in Vietnam. SAE and ADE institute a colloquium program involving informal discussion with professors.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1969

The Student Mobilization Committee finalizes its plans to attend the Vietnam Moratorium and faculty urges it's support as well. Action against the Vietnam conflict and participation in Moratorium on other college campuses is also covered. A workshop is held to discuss incorporating the study of black culture into the curricula. An interesting letter to the editor calls for a "No Sex Before Marriage Club." The Physics Club had its first meeting of the season discussing UFOs. Pan-Hel held a meeting to plan for a new sorority, however no one attended.

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Dickinsonian, October 3, 1969

All five faculty committees have granted voting rights to student members. The Student Mobilization Committee receives funds and backing from student senate to attend the Moratorium protesting the war in Vietnam. Kisner-Woodward hall receives approval of its Social Code from the Student Affairs Committee. Syntrax, a form of computer dating, is introduced to match students based on common answers in a survey and subsequently break down social cliques. A fully stocked health center on the first floor of Drayer provide free health care.

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Dickinsonian, September 26, 1969

The Student Senate holds its first meeting of the year with much discussion of dorm autonomy. The Student Mobilization Committee the end the War in Vietnam had its first meeting. The IFC has now become the Presidents' Council to meet a modern need. The All-College Committee on Fraternities was dissolved. An outline of the Student Senate's plans for the upcoming year are discussed. The first session of summer transition was held. Students failed in a test of self-regulation over summer school. The Mermaid players will open this season with a production of Richard III.
