The Student Senate formed a budget with a high allotment for the student activity fund. The Red Devils' win over Muhlengerg College moves them into first place in the Southern Division of the Middle Atlantic Conference, College division for football. SMC calls for students to strike on Nov. 14, the day before the nationwide marches on DC, in protest of the Vietnam conflict. Construction of ATS began two months ago and is expected to be completed for fall 1970. The annual john Dickinson Forensic Tournament will be held with the topic being "resolved, that the Federal government should give a specific proportion of its income tax revenues to the states. The James Wilson Hotel receives approval of its Constitution consisting of a social code, with a two week trial period of 24 hr visitation, and a governmental set-up, consisting of legislative and judicial councils. The presence of Afro-American Studies on other campuses is discussed. A complete history of East College is given and renovations will be complete in 1971. The Mermaid Players Richard III receives positive reviews. The Board of Trustees authorizes a $200 increase in the annual tuition.
