Dickinsonian, October 23, 1970

Pass/ fail options, freshmen grades, and general grading systems are discussed at an open hearing held by the Academic Standards Committee who are currently evaluating the grading system. An IPR subcommittee proposes to implement a college legislative body consisting of faculty, students, and administrators. Renovation of the Durbin Oratory is completed to make the chapel more appropriate for all worship and a re-dedication ceremony will follow. The college will open ATS for experimental use in February.


Dickinsonian, July 19, 1968

The language lab has incorporated electronic audio equipment into their space at Bosler Hall. The renovations for the Durbin Oratory in Old West have been delayed due to a lack of funds. The administration is considering a plan that would allow graduate students from Pennsylvania State University to become involved in undergraduate intern teaching at Dickinson. Ada Perry, a secretery for 6 consecutive Deans of Men and one Dean of Women, was honored by her colleagues at her retirement.


Dickinsonian, March 15, 1968

The Agency for International Development held an interview with President Rubendall and Editor-in-Chief of the Dickinsonian David Totaro, during which Totaro was allowed to see the inside of the "White Building" next to South Campus. AID confirmed that the building was being used as a safe house for the Agency should a national security emergency occur. The Cultural Affairs committee is set to present the folk duo Ian and Sylva at the Gymnasium on Wednesday, March 20. Thomas Fornwalt will direct The Follies April presentation of "Kiss Me Kate".


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1967

A survey of the campus regarding the Vietnam War shows that most students and faculty want some sort of change in Vietnam policy. The Paul Butterfield Blues Band is set to play in the HUB Dining Hall for the Mid-Winter Concert. The Interfraternity Council set up an internal committee to coordinate service projects. Dickinsonian beats WDCV in annual football game. Arthur Hoppe analyzes the Bobby Kennedy campaign. Odetta Gordon is set to perform at the Carlisle Senior High Auditorium. Someone in Yale Library stacks has been biting and kissing unsuspecting women's feet.


Dickinsonian, May 6, 1970

Students vote to strike in protest of the "ever-widening war in Indochina," specifically the expansion of U.S. troops into Cambodia and the resumption of U.S. bombing of North Vietnam. They will strike for an indefinite period and students will gather for a review in two days. A Referendum survey is also published for all students to fill out. Students receive a permit for a march past the War College. Some 75 students block the main entrances to Denny Hall while the planning committees meet. President Rubendall will call a faculty meeting to discuss student anti-war strikes.

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Dickinsonian, April 10, 1970

Student Senate discards the group housing proposal. A revised College Committee structure is approved. An open hearing is granted to ROTC. The personnel committee adopts new procedures for faculty evaluation. A Byrds performance is announced as part of the Spring Weekend entertainment. The New Mobilization Committee will sponsor local demonstrations to dramatize who pays for the war in Vietnam. An article reprinted from Environmental Action talks about the environment dangers caused by detergent's eutrophication of streams. Sen. Gaylord Nelson organizes a massive Environmental Teach-In.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1969

Deans debate how to deal with the problem of fraternity housing as housing space is limited and fraternities are not filling up their residence halls. The Social Affairs Committee proposes that fraternities be given a list of all personal to live in the house and any that do not fill their hall will be moved to a smaller residence hall. A 5 part proposal was introduced at a Policy Committee meeting to foster more open communication between students and faculty.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1969

An outline of events for homecoming are announced as well as the candidates for homecoming queen. Negotiations for a parade permit continue for the "Mass March" in DC to be attended by SMC. Student senate allows the proposed funds for student organizations. Governance Task Force, a national organization, will analyze Dickinson's administration. The Holland Union Board buys an 8mm Camera free for students to use two days at a time. A committee on ROTC policies issues a report that stresses reform.


Dickinsonian, October 31, 1969

The Student Senate formed a budget with a high allotment for the student activity fund. The Red Devils' win over Muhlengerg College moves them into first place in the Southern Division of the Middle Atlantic Conference, College division for football. SMC calls for students to strike on Nov. 14, the day before the nationwide marches on DC, in protest of the Vietnam conflict. Construction of ATS began two months ago and is expected to be completed for fall 1970.


Dickinsonian, October 17, 1969

Students successfully celebrated Vietnam Moratorium day. There is an extensive pictorial spread of the event and others like it. A forum was held to discuss the aftermath, effects, and opinions of the Moratorium on campus. There is a followup on the disbandment of the fraternity committee. Along with presidents from 75 other prestigious privet colleges, President Rubendall appealed to President Nixon for an updated timetable in Vietnam. SAE and ADE institute a colloquium program involving informal discussion with professors.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1969

The Student Mobilization Committee finalizes its plans to attend the Vietnam Moratorium and faculty urges it's support as well. Action against the Vietnam conflict and participation in Moratorium on other college campuses is also covered. A workshop is held to discuss incorporating the study of black culture into the curricula. An interesting letter to the editor calls for a "No Sex Before Marriage Club." The Physics Club had its first meeting of the season discussing UFOs. Pan-Hel held a meeting to plan for a new sorority, however no one attended.

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Dickinsonian, October 3, 1969

All five faculty committees have granted voting rights to student members. The Student Mobilization Committee receives funds and backing from student senate to attend the Moratorium protesting the war in Vietnam. Kisner-Woodward hall receives approval of its Social Code from the Student Affairs Committee. Syntrax, a form of computer dating, is introduced to match students based on common answers in a survey and subsequently break down social cliques. A fully stocked health center on the first floor of Drayer provide free health care.

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Dickinsonian, September 26, 1969

The Student Senate holds its first meeting of the year with much discussion of dorm autonomy. The Student Mobilization Committee the end the War in Vietnam had its first meeting. The IFC has now become the Presidents' Council to meet a modern need. The All-College Committee on Fraternities was dissolved. An outline of the Student Senate's plans for the upcoming year are discussed. The first session of summer transition was held. Students failed in a test of self-regulation over summer school. The Mermaid players will open this season with a production of Richard III.


Dickinsonian, May 6, 1966

The newly established Faculty Student Affairs Committee will officially begin to study effects of the experimental Social Rules beginning in the fall. Four paintings were stolen from the Student Union art display. A recent survey reveals that "goldbricking" is among the most popular college activities. A survey reveals students eating, drinking, smoking, sleeping, and praying habits. A campus wide survey of students revealed varying opinions on the Vietnam war. Dickinson's Young Socialists Club is officially disbanded.


Dickinsonian, December 10, 1965

The Public Affairs Symposium will be on the controversial topic of "The New Morality." Jazz trumpet player Maynard Ferguson will play at the Mid-Winter Weekend featured concert. Some Dickinson students attend a rally in DC against the current actions being taken in Vietnam, though other students are also in support of the current position. In conjunction with a honesty code, a survey is issued on cheating and the results are published which follow trends in sex, average, and experience.

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Dickinsonian, May 7, 1965

New college church targets students unsure about their beliefs. Lyndon B Johnson crowns daughter queen of Azalea Festival despite ongoing issues concerning the Dominican Republic and Vietnam. Professor William Wishmeyer is writing a book recalling some interesting people he met during his career. Professor Daniel McDonald accepts a grant from the National Science Foundation. Andrew Flew to speak at Dickinson in May. The Highwaymen to perform at Interfraternity Weekend. Local pastors do not challenge students, who therefore do not attend church.

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