Dickinsonian, February 27, 1959

Parents Association plans to encourage informal faculty-student relations. Tension between Student Senate and college president and deans. Creation of college radio station considered. Franklin Clark Fry, president of the United Lutheran Church in America, speaks in chapel. National Science Foundation awards large research grant to Dr. Barbara B. McDonald for study of protozoan nuclei. Mermaid Players plan show of Twelfth Night. Franklin & Marshall defeats men's basketball.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1969

Deans debate how to deal with the problem of fraternity housing as housing space is limited and fraternities are not filling up their residence halls. The Social Affairs Committee proposes that fraternities be given a list of all personal to live in the house and any that do not fill their hall will be moved to a smaller residence hall. A 5 part proposal was introduced at a Policy Committee meeting to foster more open communication between students and faculty.


Dickinsonian, November 14, 1969

Student Senate proposes that student representation be introduced on the President's Advisory Council. The resolution charging WDCV of falsification of accounts and misuse of funds was withdrawn after further investigation. For the first time since the founding of Dickinson, students sat down with the board of trustees to discuss campus concerns. The Summer Transition Program has been evaluated to the conclusion that the program will continue with suggested improvements.


Dickinsonian, May 10, 1963

The faculty decide to accept a revised attendance system. Dean Roger E. Nelson to resume teaching. ROTC awards cadets in Annual Awards Day Parade. NSA committee of the Student Senate awards 29 published faculty members with dinner. Alpha Psi Omega taps five new members. Stewart L. Udall, US Secretary of the Interior to speak at commencement. Recent survey suggests poor student-faculty relations. Donald Campbell named Danforth Seminary intern at Dickinson for 63-64 year. Dr. Mondlane speaks on African independence. Isley Brothers to open IFC Weekend.
