Dickinsonian, February 5, 1971

The Student Senate unanimously reaffirms it stand for a unicameral all-College legislative body. Faculty approves two Consortium programs which will make study possible at the Mysore Institute through programs at the India Institute as well as in Harrisburg for the Harrisburg Urban Semester. WDCV's resolution to operate an FM station is presented through the Development and Communications Committee and endorsed by the Board of Trustees. A list of courses to be offered in summer school will be distributed.


Dickinsonian, October 23, 1970

Pass/ fail options, freshmen grades, and general grading systems are discussed at an open hearing held by the Academic Standards Committee who are currently evaluating the grading system. An IPR subcommittee proposes to implement a college legislative body consisting of faculty, students, and administrators. Renovation of the Durbin Oratory is completed to make the chapel more appropriate for all worship and a re-dedication ceremony will follow. The college will open ATS for experimental use in February.
