Dickinsonian, January 28, 1988

President Ronald Reagan delivers his final state of the union address. College plans another new alcohol policy. Carlisle proposes zoning changes. Nancy Lindgren resigns as HUB administrator. Bookstore manager describes improvements. Leaky roof at Kisner-Woodward soaks residents. Trout Gallery features an Andrew Wyeth original. Two students spend the semester in Israel. Ballroom dance lessons on the quad well received. Review of "Good Morning, Vietnam".

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Dickinsonian, October 19, 1978

In this edition, the Roundroom coffeehouse in Kisner-Woodward attempts a revival by bringing in regular jazz performances. Amy H. Siewers, assistant director of Financial Aid, has recently resigned her post to take care of her child. The future looks promising for soprano Gwendolyn Bradley after an excellent solo performance. Ice Hockey season will resume again for the season and its prospects look good. The Men's soccer team is still in the running for a Middle Eastern Conference title.

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Dickinsonian, March 9, 1978

In this edition, off-campus study is becoming explored by students in Bologna, Colombia, I.E.S., India, Appalachia, Israel, THUS, Washington D.C. And CPC. Students brainstorm ideas to attract more people to the K.W. Round room coffeehouse. Students are also investigating food waste in the cafeteria and determining ways to reduce the amount through research. The Social Committee was unable to account for $1,100 in funds from the Hot Tuna concert in November and an investigation is ensuing. The May Morris room in the library now houses rare books, manuscripts and the College archives.


Dickinsonian, November 10, 1977

In this issue, the new coffeehouse in the Kisner-Woodward round room has opened under the jurisdiction of the Adams Basement Coffeehouse (ABC) Steering Committee. Bruce Wall Jr. was named the new Dean of Residential Services. The idea of a 14-meal, no breakfast plan in addition to the 21-meal plan is discussed among students, Food Services. Russian and computer science minors are now offered. Women's Volleyball and Women's Field Hockey teams takes third place in the Middle Atlantic Conference tournament.

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Dickinsonian, February 4, 1972

Student Senate investigates the non-broadcasting status of WDCV and the coed situation of Kisner-Woodward. "Student housing remains a vital problem" at Board of Trustees meeting. An exhibit of Jerry Kunkel drawings in the Holland Union Building is deemed "quite exciting." Black Forest Rhodes performs free two free concerts in Social Hall.


Dickinsonian, July 23, 1971

Associate Dean of the College Stanley Nodder resigns. Two biology students are successful in their NSF funded research on skin grafs. In an effort to curb the high theft of student's personal property in Kisner-Woodward, the doors to the building will remain locked at all times. Chaplain Paul E. Kaylor is chosen to serve as coordinator of the College's 200th anniversary celebration.


Dickinsonian, June 11, 1971

President Rubendall is honored for his decade of service as President of the college at graduation. Kisner-Woodward residents agree upon a social code. The class of 1971 presents Dr. Harry F Booth with the Ganoe Award for "the most inspirational teacher during their entire college course." ATS is formally dedicated. The U.S. Office of Education presents the College with a grant to be used for a drug abuse education program over the summer. The basketball takes third at MAC, the best in 11 years.

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Dickinsonian, October 3, 1969

All five faculty committees have granted voting rights to student members. The Student Mobilization Committee receives funds and backing from student senate to attend the Moratorium protesting the war in Vietnam. Kisner-Woodward hall receives approval of its Social Code from the Student Affairs Committee. Syntrax, a form of computer dating, is introduced to match students based on common answers in a survey and subsequently break down social cliques. A fully stocked health center on the first floor of Drayer provide free health care.

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