Dickinsonian, March 9, 1978

In this edition, off-campus study is becoming explored by students in Bologna, Colombia, I.E.S., India, Appalachia, Israel, THUS, Washington D.C. And CPC. Students brainstorm ideas to attract more people to the K.W. Round room coffeehouse. Students are also investigating food waste in the cafeteria and determining ways to reduce the amount through research. The Social Committee was unable to account for $1,100 in funds from the Hot Tuna concert in November and an investigation is ensuing. The May Morris room in the library now houses rare books, manuscripts and the College archives.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1978

This issue features an article on an increase of cocaine use in the United States. "The Dickinsonian" had released a survey on cocaine in the previous edition and received minimal results back, stating that out of the responses all except two had at least tried cocaine once. Female enrollment at colleges nationwide increases, and can be seen at Dickinson with 308 freshmen women enrolled compared to 240 men. Sorority rushees have also increased, causing discussion for the creation of a fourth sorority. Student Senate candidates are featured in an article.

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