Dickinsonian, September 20, 1989
Extra. Student Senate, IFC and Panhel organize campus-wide sit-in to protest Senior Management Group's decision to limit kegerator use. Students call into question the governance of the College.
Extra. Student Senate, IFC and Panhel organize campus-wide sit-in to protest Senior Management Group's decision to limit kegerator use. Students call into question the governance of the College.
In this issue, "The Dickinsonian" recently received an honor rating of "First Class" by the Associated Collegiate Press. A previous error in an All-College Committee election declared Mark Sundback's position void, but a resolution was passed that allowed Mark Sundback to resume his elected position despite the past restrictions. An article discusses the supposed lack of interest for journalism courses, Professor Sharon O'Brien speaks out in favor of journalism.
Faculty abolishes credit by examination. Student Senate votes to oppose steps taken by Faculty to do so. Dr. John Silber and Senator Birch Bayh to speak at Public Affairs Symposium. "Them Hog Ridin' Fools" review the Bonanza Streak Pit in Mechanicsburg. Local music artist Bradley "demonstrates talent" at Social Hall performance. Mermaid Players to perform The Bald Soprano and Adaptation. A survey reveals a "plurality" of Faculty favors greater student privileges in college government.
The Student Senate unanimously reaffirms it stand for a unicameral all-College legislative body. Faculty approves two Consortium programs which will make study possible at the Mysore Institute through programs at the India Institute as well as in Harrisburg for the Harrisburg Urban Semester. WDCV's resolution to operate an FM station is presented through the Development and Communications Committee and endorsed by the Board of Trustees. A list of courses to be offered in summer school will be distributed.
The topic of the Public Affairs Symposium will be "The Invasion of Privacy in a Computerized Society." Members of the Parents Advisory Council Committee express definitive views on drugs, pass/fail, and college governance. The newly created Grievance Committee is operational. Night Owl, a student-run counseling hot-line, will become operational. Information on drugs is published in a frequently asked questions format and drug knowledge test.
Student Senate votes to cut academic credit for future ROTC courses. W.H. Auden to preach in College Church. Faculty makes changes including "search-seizure" policy. "Declare Day 1969", an "unprecedented" joint meeting between Senate and faculty, is reviewed. Earl Wild to perform in concert. Arthur Murphy interviews newly elected Prime Minister of Afro-American Organization Mike Floyd. Radio drama debuts at Dickinson as Brad Fischer's original play, "The Crucifixion of Eric Leute," is to play over WDCV.
Deans debate how to deal with the problem of fraternity housing as housing space is limited and fraternities are not filling up their residence halls. The Social Affairs Committee proposes that fraternities be given a list of all personal to live in the house and any that do not fill their hall will be moved to a smaller residence hall. A 5 part proposal was introduced at a Policy Committee meeting to foster more open communication between students and faculty.
Student Senate proposes that student representation be introduced on the President's Advisory Council. The resolution charging WDCV of falsification of accounts and misuse of funds was withdrawn after further investigation. For the first time since the founding of Dickinson, students sat down with the board of trustees to discuss campus concerns. The Summer Transition Program has been evaluated to the conclusion that the program will continue with suggested improvements.