Dickinsonian, March 7, 1969

Student Senate votes to cut academic credit for future ROTC courses. W.H. Auden to preach in College Church. Faculty makes changes including "search-seizure" policy. "Declare Day 1969", an "unprecedented" joint meeting between Senate and faculty, is reviewed. Earl Wild to perform in concert. Arthur Murphy interviews newly elected Prime Minister of Afro-American Organization Mike Floyd. Radio drama debuts at Dickinson as Brad Fischer's original play, "The Crucifixion of Eric Leute," is to play over WDCV.


Dickinsonian, December 19, 1968

Student Mobilization Committee forms to protest a number of academic and social rules. Linus Pauling wins Priestley Memorial Award. Afro-American Organization presents rebuttal to Prof. Clarke Garrett's paper on Discovery Week, claiming black students felt "quite insulted" by it. Possibility of Miss Dickinson contest discussed. Pete Tamburro defends Greek seating and rush against minority report of Campus Affairs Committee. Prof. Benjamin James engages in veteran counseling service. Dr. Vytautas Kavolis explains social context of "student rebellions."

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