Dickinsonian, November 26, 1898

Students are encouraged to spend more time in studying the Bible. The previous week was designated as the “Week of Prayer” by the Y. M. C. A.. It is reported that Lehigh’s poor football management skills lead them to cancel their game with Dickinson. The Phi Alpha Pi Sorority is started by a group of women on the campus. The school adds a chapel choir to sing during chapel services at the college. The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity holds its annual banquet in honor of its new members.


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1972

Faculty approves the Credit/No Credit grading program. ROTC adds a seminar series dealing with contemporary problems. Student Paul Kanev puts together Christmas Around the World, a multimedia presentation to be given in the Bonisteel Planetarium of the Tome Science Building. Last Sunday night, Foghat gives a "mediocre" concert. Harriett Thompson's piano concert in ATS is reviewed as disappointing overall. An exhibit of Mel Ramos' art will be displayed in the HUB.


Dickinsonian, November 10, 1972

In ATS, the College Choir, Chapel Choir and College-Community Orchestra will open the Young Artists-in-Residence Week. The College plans to present its Arts Award to the Philadelphia Orchestra. Musician Joshua Rifkin will be one participant in the Young Artists-in-Residence Program. At a Faculty meeting, a report presented by the Admissions and Financial Aid Committee stresses student diversity. Story Theatre Troupe's Rites of Passage is set to debut this weekend. Bill Wiley is also highlighted as a participant in next week's Young Artists-in-Residence Program.


Dickinsonian, September 22, 1972

At the Founders Convocation of the College's 200th Anniversary, Sen. Richard Schweiker delivers an address praising the College's educational tradition. College holds a symposium entitled "Voice of Today's Woman". PPG Industries Foundation provides a grant to support March's "Science for Survival" symposium. Phi Epsilon Pi wins the Bijur Cup scholastic trophy. Pres. Rubendall helps open the Charles Nisbet Campus. The Campus opening brings forty-eight descendants of Nisbet. An art exhibit entitled "Realism and Surrealism" is set to open in the HUB.


Dickinsonian, September 15, 1972

College manages Florence Jones Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary. Prof. Mulford Sibley speaks on liberal education and politics in the kick-off of the College's Politics and Education Series. 140 students sign up for "Students for Nixon" group. Meanwhile, an "intensive effort is underway to identify potential McGovern supporters." The Charles Nisbet section of campus is set to be officially dedicated. Sen. Richard Schweiker and Dr. Martin Meyerson are to speak at Founders Day. The PATH program is launched by the Counseling Center to help students discover post-graduate possibilities.


Dickinsonian, March 12, 1971

Student Senate focuses on discussions on the academic calendar, housing, and student files. Mead is honored with the Priestley award in a ceremony. An open hearing rejects the eleven point grading system. Margaret Mead speaks on the "Generation Gap" in environmental issues. The Seven major resolutions recommended by the Academic Program Committee are passed by faculty and presented in detail. Career Week offers help with summer job scarcity. ATS is vandalized. The follies will present the musical "Carnival!" Sergeant Musgrave's Dance is "heavy" and overly complicated.


Dickinsonian, February 5, 1971

The Student Senate unanimously reaffirms it stand for a unicameral all-College legislative body. Faculty approves two Consortium programs which will make study possible at the Mysore Institute through programs at the India Institute as well as in Harrisburg for the Harrisburg Urban Semester. WDCV's resolution to operate an FM station is presented through the Development and Communications Committee and endorsed by the Board of Trustees. A list of courses to be offered in summer school will be distributed.


Dickinsonian, December 11, 1970

The Faculty meeting focuses on changes in graduation requirements, approval of independent studies and credit by exam in January, and establishment of a new major in "Theater and Dramatic Literature." A resolution recommending that Malcolm and Witwer Halls become coed residence halls, effective next year, is endorsed by Senate. An all-day program called "Drug Use--The Truth and the Consequences" was presented to Carlisle residents. Freshman Plays receive good reviews. The College Mime Troupe will present its first show of the season.


Dickinsonian, November 20, 1970

Dean Hawkins will leave his post as college Dean. An open hearing held on graduation requirements examines four proposals made by the Academic Program Committee--1. "A student must complete and pass 34 courses with a cumulative average of 2.00" 2. "Students who have been admitted as degree candidates and are carrying three to five and one-half courses are full-time matriculated" 3. "The normal maximum of five and one-half courses may not be exceeded without permission of the Committee on Academic Standards" 4.


Dickinsonian, December 15, 1967

This is the Dickinsonian's Christmas issue. A survey of campus shows that students would prefer a larger Cultural Center. Omicron Delta Kappa leadership fraternity tapped five members during the Paul Butterfield concert. A Dickinsonian editorial from the previous week provoked a response from Dr. Milton Flower. Dean of Men Andrew Hecker looks to introduce a policy of closer communication between the student body and himself. College Choirs come together to present Christmas concert. US Rep. Edward Biester appeared at Dickinson Law School's Trickett Hall to speak on civil disobedience.
