Dickinsonian, October 13, 1972

The Mermaid Players open a new season with The Front Page. An overview of C. DeLores Tucker's speech at last week's symposium "Voices of Today's Women" is presented. A lecture on Charles Nisbet is given by Prof. William Bowden. To be held in conjunction with the College's Bicentennial Celebration is a "Classics in America" English symposium. Dr. Susan Vogel speaks on sex-role stereotypes at the "Voices" symposium. Last Saturday's Randy Newman concert is deemed a success.


Dickinsonian, September 29, 1972

Student Senate requires treasurer for all college organizations. C. Delores Tucker is to headline next weekend's "Voice of Today's Women" seminar. Mary Ames Raffensperger also plans to speak. Prof. William Bowden is to present a Spahr lecture on Charles Nisbet.


Dickinsonian, September 22, 1972

At the Founders Convocation of the College's 200th Anniversary, Sen. Richard Schweiker delivers an address praising the College's educational tradition. College holds a symposium entitled "Voice of Today's Woman". PPG Industries Foundation provides a grant to support March's "Science for Survival" symposium. Phi Epsilon Pi wins the Bijur Cup scholastic trophy. Pres. Rubendall helps open the Charles Nisbet Campus. The Campus opening brings forty-eight descendants of Nisbet. An art exhibit entitled "Realism and Surrealism" is set to open in the HUB.
