Dickinsonian, May 4, 1973

Student Senate removes Skull and Key as an honorary at the College. Loren Eiseley is to be this year's commencement speaker. This fall WDCV plans to begin FM broadcasting. Darius Milhaud's Promesse de Dieu, a choral work written for the College's Bicentennial, will premiere as a final event of the Celebration. The Environmental Policy Committee's recycling proposal has been approved by Pres. Rubendall.


Dickinsonian, April 20, 1973

Daniel Bechtel presides over the Civil Religion Symposium. Vocalist Mary Somerville and Darby McKenzie, pianist, are to perform at ATS this Sunday. Charles Olson will discuss Waste Water Management at the College. The Environmental Policy Committee submits a proposal to Pres. Rubendall that recycling be institutionalized at the College. Rock groups Geneva and Gunga & The Dins "delight" a "sparse" audience. Jane Frankel shows "excellence" in her vocal recital. Other speakers from the Symposium are highlighted.

Dickinsonian, April 13, 1973

James Smylie is to close the Civil Religion Symposium with an address on "The President as Prophet-Priest-King." The Commission on the Status of Women investigates discriminatory practices concerning women at the College. Jane Frankel will perform her voice recital in ATS. Anya Treash will also perform vocally in ATS.


Dickinsonian, April 6, 1973

Faculty approves the formation of the Student Academic Grievance Board. Students engineer a boycott on meat. Sheila Tobias presents a talk on the dual role of women. The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) features a document on "Freedom and Tenure." Geoffrey Holder gives an "outstanding performance", highlighting the third night of the Black Arts Festival. The third Bicentennial Symposium is entitled "Civil Religion in America"; the Keynote Speaker is to be Robert Bellah. Abstract Expressionism is the topic of the current Art Show in the HUB.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 23, 1973

Last Monday a failed water line in Carlisle curtailing the College's water availability. The Computer Service Center department forms, expanding computer operations on campus. The U.S. Department of the Interior designates the College-managed Florence Jones Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary a National Landmark. Leo Kottke and Jim Dawson's concert is deemed successful. The Faculty's 1773-1973: A Musical Revue "manages to hold together." In ATS last Friday, Maureen Forrester "delights audience" in her performance.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1973

Faculty is to perform 1773-1973: A Historical Review. The Bicentennial Celebration continues with a number of workshops, speakers, and artists. Philip Abelson wins the Joseph Priestley Award. The Drug Education Committee is sponsoring a day of film, lecture, and discussion of Street Theater. Leo Kottke is set to perform this Saturday.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1973

Trustees rescind the 60-40 male-female admissions ratio and name the newly-built dormitory after trustee Gibbs McKenney and his wife. Richard Orr is elected president of the Student Senate. Matthew Miller introduces a resolution in defense of students "in cases of alleged faculty injustices." At the Business Symposium, participants investigate a greater role for minority groups in business. Additional articles discuss other speakers from the Symposium. The Mellon Foundation contributes toward the College's Century 3 Campaign.


Dickinsonian, February 1, 1973

Claudio Arrau is to perform in ATS. The first volume, first issue of the Dickinson College Register is featured. Mel Ramos' art exhibit on display in the HUB aims to spark questions dealing with the roles of art and commercialism. Pres. Rubendall appoints the Commission on the Status of Women at Dickinson College. Prof. Kenneth Rosen publishes The Man to Send Rain Clouds, a collection of short stories by American Indians. Student Senate candidates are featured. George Cabot Lodge is among those to speak at the upcoming Business Symposium.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1972

Governor Milton Shapp will present the College's Arts Award to the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra. As part of the Bicentennial Celebration of the College, an art exhibit has been arranged at the William Penn Museum in Harrisburg. About 40 female students travel to D.C. to attend workshops sponsored by Washington Opportunities for Women. Printed is the Harley Resolution which proposes renewable tenure. The Story Theatre Troupe "excels in inaugural performance."


Dickinsonian, October 20, 1972

At a Student Senate meeting, the current ban on waterbeds and pets is upheld. Poet Anne Waldman and five others are to partake in November's Young Artists-in-Residence Program. The multimedia-spoken word Story Theatre Troupe plans to perform Rites of Passage in November. The College proposes a tutorial program modeled after Oxford University's.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1972

The Mermaid Players open a new season with The Front Page. An overview of C. DeLores Tucker's speech at last week's symposium "Voices of Today's Women" is presented. A lecture on Charles Nisbet is given by Prof. William Bowden. To be held in conjunction with the College's Bicentennial Celebration is a "Classics in America" English symposium. Dr. Susan Vogel speaks on sex-role stereotypes at the "Voices" symposium. Last Saturday's Randy Newman concert is deemed a success.
