Dickinsonian, April 16, 1976

Artist Lynda Frese to display drawing and etchings in HUB. Student International Meditation Society holds informational lecture. Mo Udall wins Mock Political Convention election. The Hole In The Wall restaurant is favorably reviewed in "Eating Out." Photographer J. Hwa Shik Chung captures Mock Convention and IFC Weekend. WDCV offers "A Guide to Records" in which albums are recommended.


Dickinsonian, March 26, 1976

Pres. Banks receives honorary Doctor of Letters degree from the College of Charleston. Tenure debates continue, "concern[ing] faculty." In "Eating Out," The Gingerbread Bread Man and The House of Pizza are reviewed, receiving 2/5 and 3/5 stars, respectively. Institutional Priorities and Resources candidates Frederico Talley, Jr. and Mark Sundback, are featured. A "brief history" of the Fraternity Quadrangle is featured.

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Dickinsonian, May 3, 1974

Student Senate urges a reduction in physical education requirements. Feminist Florynce Kennedy is to speak at College. Watergate conversation transcripts of Pres. Nixon will soon arrive at Library. Students Heather McGregor and Carol Kelly will present a joint recital. In the Morgan Lecture series, William Goetzmann speaks on Romanticism. A review of Prof. Kenneth Rosen's newly-published The Man to Send Rain Clouds is featured.

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Dickinsonian, April 26, 1974

PEER auction features numerous exotic items. Student Senate endorses National March for Impeachment rally in Washington. Clive Driver, literary executor of Marianne Moore's papers, speaks on the poetess in a lecture beginning National Library Week. Artist Ben Miller speaks in Bernard Center. Alpha Sigma of Beta Theta Pi celebrates its centennial year at Dickinson. "Caesar's Palace" group offers "royal entertainment."


Dickinsonian, April 19, 1974

Sir Hugh Stott Taylor, first Priestley Award recipient, passes away. The Institutional Priorities and Resources Committee plans to install a computer terminal in the library. Historian William Goetzmann to speak at College. Increased popularity of tennis creates need for College to alter court use. A review of the Black Arts Festival is featured.

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Dickinsonian, April 12, 1974

To kick-off Library Week, poetess Marianne Moore will be lectured on by her literary executor Clive Driver. Student Senate approves formation of a Publicity Committee. Liquor Control Board, along with police, raid Cork & Kettle restaurant in a crackdown on underage drinking. The Beaux Arts Trio provides a "unique musical experience" in concert.


Dickinsonian, April 5, 1974

The Beaux Arts Trio will perform in ATS. Special interest housing advocates explain rationale at Senate meeting. The Spanish and Art Workshop programs are eliminated by the Student Affairs Committee. In the HUB, a slide show of "The Postwar War" in Vietnam is presented. Also in the HUB, Judge Lisa Richette is to speak on women's equal rights.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 1973

Student Senate removes Skull and Key as an honorary at the College. Loren Eiseley is to be this year's commencement speaker. This fall WDCV plans to begin FM broadcasting. Darius Milhaud's Promesse de Dieu, a choral work written for the College's Bicentennial, will premiere as a final event of the Celebration. The Environmental Policy Committee's recycling proposal has been approved by Pres. Rubendall.


Dickinsonian, April 20, 1973

Daniel Bechtel presides over the Civil Religion Symposium. Vocalist Mary Somerville and Darby McKenzie, pianist, are to perform at ATS this Sunday. Charles Olson will discuss Waste Water Management at the College. The Environmental Policy Committee submits a proposal to Pres. Rubendall that recycling be institutionalized at the College. Rock groups Geneva and Gunga & The Dins "delight" a "sparse" audience. Jane Frankel shows "excellence" in her vocal recital. Other speakers from the Symposium are highlighted.

Dickinsonian, April 28, 1972

Sen. Fred Harris is to speak at the College's mock presidential convention. Sen. Jacob Javits is to deliver the Commencement address. In Memorial Hall, the Morgan Lecture in Classical Languages and Education is given by Prof. Saul Levin. The Academic Program Committee composes a final resolution on the ROTC. The College-hosted Newport Portable Folk Festival is reviewed.


Dickinsonian, April 4, 1969

Linus Pauling accepts Priestley Award and gives speech. Students and community attend Passover Seder in social hall. To protest Vietnam War, some students boycott campus Coke machines. Dr. Flint Kellogg to present paper on Civil Rights Movement at next year's International Sinological Conference in Taipei, Taiwan. Carlisle Hospital Auxiliary sponsors "Narcotics and Society" presentation to be held in Holland Union Building.

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Dickinsonian, May 19, 1967

Four seniors - Tom Bauder, Chuck Slavin, Jack Petersen and Jeff Weber - plan to serve in Peace Corps upon graduation. President Rubendall endorses "book walk" for new library. Union Social Committee discloses financial problems. Faith-In-Society sponsors Dickinson's Big Brother-Big Sister program. Prof. C. Flint Kellogg to publish first volume of "A History of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1909-1920." Malcolm Hall Social Organization forms.


Dickinsonian, May 6, 1967

James Shepley, chairman of Ford Foundation Challenge Program, announces $500,000 donation to college from Louis Tuvin (Class of '10). Ford Challenge Campaign succeeds in gaining pledges. Faculty acts on pass-fail, planning to enact system in the fall. Prof. William Cage comments on the college's obedience to Epstean's Law. IFC to crown first queen. Bust of Roger Taney to be presented in Law Day celebrations. College conflicts with Allison Methodist Church members. Committee on Peace meets and formulates policies.

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Dickinsonian, June 4, 1966

The schedule for Commencement Week and Alumni Weekend is published. IFC accepts it's previously proposed rush procedures for the 1966-67 yr that were approved by the Student Senate and not supported by the faculty. New rules for women's rush established by the Pan Hellenic council will go into effect next year. WIC revises the woman's rules. Two weekend trial runs of the new Social Rules were successful and a faculty will review and vote upon the rules next semester. "Collages," a new college published magazine, will add variety to student publications.


Dickinsonian, May 8, 1964

Eight juniors chosen for outstanding leadership by Omicron Delta Kappa. Project announced for college to raise $22 million by 1973. Endowment Fund receives national attention. Nine professors granted Sabbatical leaves. Baseball team falls to Western Maryland. Tennis team upsets Franklin and Marshall. Sigma Chi defeats Beta 23-4 in IF Softball.

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Dickinsonian, June 2, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian Pres. Rubendall discloses results of Methodist Survey Report. Four Honorary Doctorates presented at Senior Ceremony. Dr. Nancy Lee Beaty to spend year in Greece teaching. College adds four new Faculty members. Synopsis of the year's social events. Prof. Stoyan Gavrilovic gets recognition for Historiographical paper. Geology Dept. set up natural history display. Class Election results announced. Committee on the Advancement of Town Spirit (CATS) host first project washing car windows. Women's Tennis finish with undefeated season.

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