Dickinsonian, January 15, 1954

Professor Whitfield J. Bell resigns. Omicron Delta Kappa and Pi Delta Epsilon, national honorary leadership fraternities, tap new members. Aquatic Club performs annual show. Adult Education Program to be extended into the spring. Dickinson resigns from the Eastern College Athletic Conference, efforts underway to make the College a member of the NCAA.


Dickinsonian, December 5, 1952

Mrs. Helen Wing, wife of Dr. Herbert Wing, Jr., passed away after a lingering illness. Doll Dance scheduled to be held on 17 December. The National Poetry Association announces that its "National Intercollegiate Poetry Anthology for 1953" will include a poem by Bert Garber. Pi Delta Epsilon, national honorary journalistic fraternity, taps three Dickinsonians: Robert High, Sidney Kline, and Harold Hoffman. First Boyd Lee Spahr Lecture to be delivered by Dr. Page Smith, a research scholar with the Institute of Early American History and Culture.


Dickinsonian, May 2, 1952

Pi Delta Epsilon elects officers. Frederic W. Ness is appointed dean of Dickinson College. H. Chace Davis, '50, is appointed assistant director of admissions. Guest Day planned (sponsored by Omicron Delta Kappa and organized by Dean James). Profile of Professor Francis Warlow. Mohler Scientific Society elects officers.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 6, 1951

Details regarding the Spring Formal, including discussion of its "unusual theme," "Spring in the Park," and the musical performances by Ray McKinley and the Ted Wilson Combo. Pi Delta Epsilon announces the institution of a new award for journalism. Article describing plans for Pan-Hellenic Weekend. At the Annual Little Three Banquet, coaches choose their all-star athletic teams. Dickinson Tennis wins the first match of the season. The College makes plans for a new course in Astronomy.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1958

A feud between the Student Senate and the Dean regarding the Dickinsonian has been resolved. Chemistry Professor Dr. Vuilleumier died in the Althouse Stockroom and was mourned by the campus community. Four high-achieving seniors are initiated into the Phi Beta Kappa honors society and members of Phi Beta Phi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Mu, and Sigma Chi were also honored for their academic achievements.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 19, 1948

An overview of Student Senate's report on popular elections appears, calling for a petition system to nominate candidates and outlining the duties of a popularly elected president. The local journalistic fraternity, Alpha Sigma Gamma, receives a charter from the national Pi Delta Epsilon. The Interfraternity Council discusses changes to rush rules, including the possibility of delaying rush until the second semester. Dr. William Lonsdale Tayler sends another report from Cuba. A new scholarship for freshmen is announced. Noted director John Reich will present a lecture on popular drama.


Dickinsonian, October 24, 1947

Dickinson's journalistic fraternity, Alpha Sigma Gamma, petitions national journalistic fraternity Pi Delta Epsilon for a charter. A group of 12 students visit the U.N. in New York. Ozan Marsh performs a piano recital, his second visit to Dickinson. A new program of inter-college cooperation between Dickinson, F&M, and Gettysburg, including an expansion of intramural sports competition and shared cultural and social events, is announced. A lecture is held on the state of affairs in Africa in terms of both economics and social structure.

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Dickinsonian, April 28, 1972

Sen. Fred Harris is to speak at the College's mock presidential convention. Sen. Jacob Javits is to deliver the Commencement address. In Memorial Hall, the Morgan Lecture in Classical Languages and Education is given by Prof. Saul Levin. The Academic Program Committee composes a final resolution on the ROTC. The College-hosted Newport Portable Folk Festival is reviewed.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1968

Senate President Tom Marin called for an all-college referendum to vote on the $5 raise of the Comprehensive Fee that all students pay to the Student Senate. The 1968 Mock Open Convention opens at 6 P.M. on this day, featuring Congressman Richard Schweiker as the Keynote Speaker. Sam and Dave failed to honor their contract to perform at Dickinson College, as Sam did not show up to play. New members were inducted on Tuesday to Pi Delta Epsilon, the national journalism fraternity. Sigma Chi is set to sponsor its annual Derby Day on Parents Weekend, May 3-4.


Dickinsonian, May 12, 1967

The Impressions and Drifters highlight IFC Weekend. Sigma Alpha Epsilon's honor system experiment discussed. Ford Foundation Challenge Program chairman James Shepley announces $200,000 gift from the Sumner Drayer (Class of '02) estate. Prof. George Allan scrutinizes Jan Plan. Newly-opened Malcolm Hall experiences flaws as its residents experience frustration. Librarian Yates Forbis plans student-faculty "book walk" to stock new library shelves. Prof. Donald Marleski and Jon Sholle produce "Ojancau" film which will premier next Thursday. Economics Prof. William Cage gives resignation.


Dickinsonian, November 4, 1966

Controversy over Professor John Cutler's October 28th editorial on proposed architecture of dormitories discussed. Humanities Fund holds first annual fund-raising drive. Omicron Delta Kappa taps five new members at Military Ball. Freshman Chuck Strum analyzes the state of the college. Student Jerry Weiner comments on Arab border disputes. Dr. Martin E. Marty to guest in Faith and Society lecture series. Malcolm Hall still not completely finished, providing quirks and frustrations for residents.


Dickinsonian, November 9, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee) approves resolution in broadening drinking rules. Cultural Affairs schedules Book of Job Performance. Presentation of the HMS Pinafore. Prof. Frank Warlow compares European and American students. Review of Mermaid Players production "See How They Run". Consultant William H. Jesse views site for proposed library. Pi Delta Epsilon taps seven seniors. Project Africa plans Uhuru dance. Dr. Jessica Longsdorff Bozorth brings several photos of first coeds to College. Field Hockey beat Shippensburg.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 2, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the campus reacts to the Cuba Crisis. Six students join in White House Peace Picket. Bishop Fred P. Corson speaks promoting world-wide spiritual unity. Shay Representatives make changes to fraternity housing scheme. Mermaid Players to present "See How They Run". Joanne Harris named Little Colonel of the Military Ball. A plan for holding classes in railroad cars is proposed. Pi Delta Epsilon eliminates the Hornbook. Peter, Paul, and Mary to perform. Freshman rush approaches. Field Hockey, Football wins


Dickinsonian, October 27, 1961

$2 goal set for Campus Chest fundraiser. Biographical information on President Rubendall is given; inauguration ceremony plan highlighted. Newton Aiken, editor of Baltimore's Evening Sun, to speak. Campus movement to reinstate lacrosse gains momentum. Ravi Shankar performance reviewed. Phi Delta Epsilon selects new members. Summer improvements cost $30,000.


Dickinsonian, September 21, 1961

First issue of the new year is a special issue that discusses developments over summer that cannot be postponed to later in the semester when first issue would normally be released. WDCV ready to begin operation. New women's dormitory to begin construction in February. Rubendall to assume role as 24th president. Dickinson moves to be removed from AAUP (American Association of University Professors) Censure List. New rules introduced concerning student social behavior. Omicron Delta Kappa taps new students. Pi Delta Epsilon announces new inductees and sophomore and senior prizes.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 7, 1960

In this issue of the Dickinsonian SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee) discusses regulations and enforcements of drinking rules. Glee Club concert choose "Wintersong" as theme. Follies to present "The Boyfriend". Physics Dept. receive grant for nuclear devices. RILW (Religion-in-life Week) at Dickinson for one week. Istvan Jalsovicsk talks about need for Hungarian freedom. Dick Tull answers questions on the SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council). Pi Delta Epsilon taps 6 new members. Dr. C. Vann Woodward and Dr. Cornelius Kruse to visit.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 6, 1964

Mermaid Players present Thornton Wilder's "Our Town". Female students collect donations in fraternities and male dorms for the Dickinson Endowment Fund for the Teaching of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Four juniors will study in Washington D.C. for spring semester in conjunction with American University. The newly-founded Outing Club is profiled. Two million out of six million already raised in fundraising drive for Dickinson. Three students and one staff member are tapped by Pi Delta Epsilon for outstanding journalism.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 30, 1959

This issue reports highlights of the Military Ball and the Mermaid Players' presentation of "The Miser." The annual Chest Drive begins, Dr. Gilbert Malcolm is honored at Alumni Dinner. An appreciation of Denny Hall is reported. The Christian Association is formed by combining four existing campus organizations. Sigma Chi celebrates 100 years on campus. The Dickinson Flying Club purchases a new plane. Inter-fraternity and Freshman league football seasons end. G.M. Scholarship winners are announced. Pi Delta Epsilon admits four new members. The winter sports schedule is announced.
