Dickinsonian, March 26, 1954

Superior Court Judge Robert E. Woodside to speak at fourth annual ODK Leadership Dinner. Debate team ties for fourth place in State Tournament. DePauw University Choir and Juilliard String Quartet to present concerts on campus. Mary Dickinson Day to feature President Sarah Gibson Blanding of Vassar College as the guest of honor. Dean Ness interviewed, answers questions submitted to the Dickinsonian.


Dickinsonian, October 3, 1952

Freshman class largest in the College's history. Introduction of ROTC program at Dickinson. Dr. F.W. Ness named Dean of the College. Common Club regains status as a club for independent men. Professor Pflaum returns to campus after his tenth trip to Europe. New Athletic Director, A.C. Ransom, and assistants, Harry S. Bush and Lindy L. Lauro. The old Stock Mansion located on West High Street, adjacent to Conway Hall, to be renovated to accommodate faculty apartments.

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Dickinsonian, May 2, 1952

Pi Delta Epsilon elects officers. Frederic W. Ness is appointed dean of Dickinson College. H. Chace Davis, '50, is appointed assistant director of admissions. Guest Day planned (sponsored by Omicron Delta Kappa and organized by Dean James). Profile of Professor Francis Warlow. Mohler Scientific Society elects officers.

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Dickinsonian, October 18, 1957

The recent Parents' Weekend boasted an attendance of over 1200. Dickinson will hold a Campus Chest Week to raise money for various charities. The Belle Lettres society will hold its first literary conversation of the year, entitled "Shakespeare on the Modern Stage" and led by Professor Edward Brubaker of F&M (brother of Drama professor David Brubaker), Dr. William Bowden, Dean Frederic Ness and student Anne Saunders. The second annual Student Leadership Training Conference will be held at Camp Michaux to discuss school problems.

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Dickinsonian, June 6, 1959

Frederic W. Ness becomes humanities chair. Gilbert Malcolm elected president of college. Mermaid Players Sue Murray and Doug Wert receive Gould Awards for outstanding dramatic arts. Twelve outstanding seniors selected for Who's Who. Danforth experiment to continue with freshman discussions of values in next school year. George Shuman reveals Development Council's building plan. Microcosm meets approval. Interfraternity Council plans modified rushing program for next school year. Commons Club ceases to exist.

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Dickinsonian, March 6, 1959

Candidates for Student Senate elections announced. United Party's platform. Dickinson Follies perform "Katy Did", a modern adaptation of "She Stoops to Conquer". Dickinson Aero Club plans to purchase second plane. Wrestling competes in Middle Atlantic States Wrestling Championships. Swimming places fourth at Middle Atlantic championships. Dean Frederic W. Ness speaks about recruiting faculty at meeting of the National Education Association's Association of Higher Education.

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Dickinsonian, October 10, 1958

A feud between the Student Senate and the Dean regarding the Dickinsonian has been resolved. Chemistry Professor Dr. Vuilleumier died in the Althouse Stockroom and was mourned by the campus community. Four high-achieving seniors are initiated into the Phi Beta Kappa honors society and members of Phi Beta Phi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Mu, and Sigma Chi were also honored for their academic achievements.

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Dickinsonian, April 13, 1960

Parents' Weekend preparations are being made. Rifle squad takes 10th place in national competition. Dean Ness is appointed to the governor's higher education committee. Charles Wagner is named outstanding freshman of the year. Four new faculty members are announced. Theodor Uppman and the film "Potemkin" are given favorable reviews. Oscar-viewing parties are reported. "Ben Hur" is big winner. Dickinson Chorale returns from tour. Annual song-fest is held by Zeta Tau Alpha, to benefit the National Foundation for Crippled Children.

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Dickinsonian, March 18, 1960

Sorority pledges hold Doll Dance and spring formals. Faculty, IFC, and Panhellenic council reach agreement on new rushing program. Dean Ness to edit "A Guide to Undergraduate Study" for the American Council of Education. All college IDs are recalled for validation. A contemporary art exhibit currently on display in Bosler's art gallery, is reviewed and explained. A local museum, the Hamilton Library and Historical Association is discussed. President Malcolm appoints Albert Walker to Alumni Secretary post. Sororities elect new officers. Concert Chorale to go on three-state tour.

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Dickinsonian, February 26, 1960

The Action and United parties announce Student Senate candidates--Steve Lindberg for Action and Pete Andrews for United. Senate candidates scheduled to speak at chapel. A poll concerning the loyalty oath is conducted. Dean Ness serves on Middle States Evaluation Committee. Wheel and Chain holds fashion show. Professor Joseph Shiffman to edit "American Quarterly." Nuclear Physics department receives loan of plutonium-beryllium from the Atomic Energy Commission. honor students are announced. Basketball team defeats F & M in double overtime. Students to tour Rome and attend Olympic Games.

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Dickinsonian, November 13, 1959

Stories in this edition include an announcement that architect Eero Saarinen will speak here. Religion-in-Life organization announces presentation that will include talks by Rabbi Bennett, Reverend Durham, Monsignor Schmidt and Reverend Evans. The cheerleading squad adds five new members. Follies tryouts are announced. Dean Ness commends the IFC for raising the pledging average. Homecoming queen Barbara Duvall is crowned. Dickinson loses homecoming game to Lebanon Valley, 15-6. Social service projects are sponsored by Chi Omega and Pi Mu. A new reading program is announced.

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Dickinsonian, November 6, 1959

Homecoming plans are announced. Dean Ness is selected as Humanities Chair. Jazz trombonist J. J. Johnson to perform on November 7. Phi Kappa Psi celebrates centennial. The Microcosm is used to investigate graduates. The music department will present "Amahl" and "Die Fledermaus." Three seniors are selected by ROTC to be top ranking officers. A new art exhibit, "The Heroic Encounter", will be presented. Freshman class officer nominations are announced. Historian Basil King gives talk on the history of New Zealand. New placement services are announced.
