Dickinsonian, September 29, 1923

Plans for the all-college picnic in Boiling Springs are announced. The Interfraternity Council determines the rushing periods for the 1923 fall semester and institutes the payment of yearly dues by each member fraternity. Dickinson opens their football preseason with "the strongest team in the country to date on paper." Plans to establish a college sports news service are laid. A piece on the Christianization and Americanization of Hawiian islanders appears.


Dickinsonian, April 2, 2004

The Geology Club visits Hawaii over Spring Break to do research on volcanoes. WDCV to change its name from "The Frequency" to it original name, "The Dickinson College Voice." Admissions projects 5000 applications for the class of 2008. Plans to install webcams in the HUB abandoned. Life in Toulouse and Malaga are examined.


Dickinsonian, March 18, 1960

Sorority pledges hold Doll Dance and spring formals. Faculty, IFC, and Panhellenic council reach agreement on new rushing program. Dean Ness to edit "A Guide to Undergraduate Study" for the American Council of Education. All college IDs are recalled for validation. A contemporary art exhibit currently on display in Bosler's art gallery, is reviewed and explained. A local museum, the Hamilton Library and Historical Association is discussed. President Malcolm appoints Albert Walker to Alumni Secretary post. Sororities elect new officers. Concert Chorale to go on three-state tour.

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