Dickinsonian, February 27, 1959

Parents Association plans to encourage informal faculty-student relations. Tension between Student Senate and college president and deans. Creation of college radio station considered. Franklin Clark Fry, president of the United Lutheran Church in America, speaks in chapel. National Science Foundation awards large research grant to Dr. Barbara B. McDonald for study of protozoan nuclei. Mermaid Players plan show of Twelfth Night. Franklin & Marshall defeats men's basketball.


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1960

Dr. Herbert Wing will retire after 45 years of service to the college. More Parents' Weekend activities are announced. Freshman counselors for next year are announced. Aquatic Club presents its annual Aquacade. Campus men are given a tour of Drayer Hall, a women's dorm. The first Arts Festival will end with the Mermaid Players final presentation of "Major Barbara." The new "Literary Bulletin" is well received. Debate team places fifth at Rutgers. Wilber M. Brucker, Secretary of the Army, will speak at Commencement Exercises. The Mary Dickinson Club awards its first scholarship.

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Dickinsonian, April 13, 1960

Parents' Weekend preparations are being made. Rifle squad takes 10th place in national competition. Dean Ness is appointed to the governor's higher education committee. Charles Wagner is named outstanding freshman of the year. Four new faculty members are announced. Theodor Uppman and the film "Potemkin" are given favorable reviews. Oscar-viewing parties are reported. "Ben Hur" is big winner. Dickinson Chorale returns from tour. Annual song-fest is held by Zeta Tau Alpha, to benefit the National Foundation for Crippled Children.

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