Dickinsonian, September 20, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the college begins its 190th year. The construction of the new girl's dormitory is two months ahead of schedule. Dr. Angiolillo joins the faculty as chairman of the language department. The opera "Cosi Fan Tutte" to be performed by the Turnau Opera Players. Trustees set dates for construction of new fraternity houses and a student union building. A modern library will be designed for September 1965. New Student Union Building and ten fraternities to be completed September 1964. Dickinson has largest enrollment in history of college with attendance of 1100.


Dickinsonian, March 2, 1962

Trustee Sidney D. Kline stresses faculty responsibilities. Dean's List announced. Santha Rama Rau lectures at cultural event. Student campaign nearing elections. New Dickinson Radio station WDCV announces open house. Dickinson participates in Intercollegiate Bridge tournament. William R. Bowden praises Othello Cast. Part 3 of 4 of Professor Frank Warlow's letter from abroad. Dr. Henry Pitt Van Dusen to speak in chapel. Dr. Joseph Shiffman praises Freshman English composition. Dr. Whitfield J. Bell Jr. answers questions on campus life.

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Dickinsonian, February 26, 1960

The Action and United parties announce Student Senate candidates--Steve Lindberg for Action and Pete Andrews for United. Senate candidates scheduled to speak at chapel. A poll concerning the loyalty oath is conducted. Dean Ness serves on Middle States Evaluation Committee. Wheel and Chain holds fashion show. Professor Joseph Shiffman to edit "American Quarterly." Nuclear Physics department receives loan of plutonium-beryllium from the Atomic Energy Commission. honor students are announced. Basketball team defeats F & M in double overtime. Students to tour Rome and attend Olympic Games.

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