Dickinsonian, March 4, 1960

The Student Senate candidates announce their platforms. The Senate campaign is recounted. A student survey reveals mixed feelings from students about Senate. Professors James, Rogers, and Bowden plan sabbaticals. The Mermaid Players announce their production of "Major Barbie." Dennis King gives presentation about Benjamin Franklin. A new Geology Club is established. Belles Lettres Society presents the British film "Fame is the Spur." Professor Bell receives honorary degree from Franklin College of Indiana. Swim team completes their season undefeated.


Dickinsonian, February 26, 1960

The Action and United parties announce Student Senate candidates--Steve Lindberg for Action and Pete Andrews for United. Senate candidates scheduled to speak at chapel. A poll concerning the loyalty oath is conducted. Dean Ness serves on Middle States Evaluation Committee. Wheel and Chain holds fashion show. Professor Joseph Shiffman to edit "American Quarterly." Nuclear Physics department receives loan of plutonium-beryllium from the Atomic Energy Commission. honor students are announced. Basketball team defeats F & M in double overtime. Students to tour Rome and attend Olympic Games.

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