Dickinsonian, May 21, 1954

Dickinson Summer School to open in June, first session since 1951. Prof. Pflaum presides over open hearing on new social rules. ROTC presents annual awards. Wheel and Chain to initiate eight for the '54-'55 academic year. Captain Kennedy, Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics, awarded the Bronze Star. Contemporary Cuban paintings on display in Art Gallery.


Dickinsonian, October 24, 1952

Details regarding the first Senate-sponsored chapel meeting. Dr. Horace Rogers awarded the DuPont Chair of Chemistry. Professor John C. Pflaum to deliver a talk on European-American political relations at the next meeting of the International Relations Club. Profile on student athlete, Gordon Haney. Article review on the upcoming Presidential election.

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Dickinsonian, October 3, 1952

Freshman class largest in the College's history. Introduction of ROTC program at Dickinson. Dr. F.W. Ness named Dean of the College. Common Club regains status as a club for independent men. Professor Pflaum returns to campus after his tenth trip to Europe. New Athletic Director, A.C. Ransom, and assistants, Harry S. Bush and Lindy L. Lauro. The old Stock Mansion located on West High Street, adjacent to Conway Hall, to be renovated to accommodate faculty apartments.

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Dickinsonian, May 16, 1952

ROTC established at Dickinson. Bob Jones is elected president of sophomore class. Robert High is elected president of College Choir. Edward Adourian, Norman McWhinney, Frank Skrapits, and Emil Weiss to attend the Washington Semester. Women's Athletic Association banquet is held; Junior Blazers are awarded. Profile of Professor John C. Pflaum.


Dickinsonian, March 7, 1947

Miriam Koontz, Jean Uhland, Fenton Adams, and Blake Spahr are elected to Phi Beta Kappa honorary fraternity. Omicron Delta Kappa taps seven new members. William T. Avery, Stacey E. Eaton, Richard M. Spong, John C. Pflaum, and John R. Embock are promoted from instructors to assistant professors. E. A. Vuilleumier resigns as Dean of the College; Russell I. Thompson to take over. Beta Theta Pi wins intramural swim meet. Basketball defeats Gettysburg but loses to Bucknell.


Dickinsonian, October 5, 1951

Warren J. Gates, Rose Bartsch, Thayer Addison, and Marian R. Memory join faculty. Charles H. B. "Chick" Kennedy, head of physical education department and director of athletics, dies. Class of 1955 is largest ever admitted at 256 students; their home states and countries are listed. E. A. Vuilleumier becomes chairman of Southeastern Pennsylvania section of American Chemical Society. John Hopper, '48, is new basketball coach. History Professor John Pflaum encourages students to visit Europe.

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Dickinsonian, March 25, 1949

Basement room of Old West to be renovated for new chapel space. "The Dickinson Follies" to feature music and comedic program. Rabbi Sidney Goldstein to address chapel on topic of Jewish contributions to civilization; Captain Bob Danskin to show slides of whaling. Professor Bell's paper on importance of teaching local history to be published. Professor Bell resigns deanship of Class of 1950; Professor Pflaum to succeed. Sophomore Class to pay dues to finance class activities. Women's inter-class bowling and swimming tournaments to begin.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 1948

Plans to expand college band initiated, including adding more twirlers to the color guard and expanding repertoire. Professor John Pflaum presents talk on current situation in Berlin, highlighting the likelihood of war. Spencer Baird named as "Father of the National Museum" by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Editorial discusses the flaws in sorority rushing rules and the Pan-Hellenic Council's responsibility to fix them.


Dickinsonian, October 5, 1956

English Professor Bertram Davis reappointed with tenure. Professor William Bowden appointed new faculty advisor of The Dickinsonian. Colin Jackson, a lawyer practicing in London, gives a lecture titled "Report on Asia 1956." Details on upcoming address by Professor John Pflaum to the International Relations Club. Ford Foundation Grant received to improve faculty salaries. Danforth Grant received to improve religious activities.

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Dickinsonian, September 29, 1950

Professor John C. Pflaum speaks at the first meeting of the International Relations Club about his trip to Europe over the summer. Senate President Morrad G. Mooradian addresses students at a recent chapel meeting. Profile on student athlete, John "Punky" Lyter.


Dickinsonian, April 14, 1983

Borges' scholars from across the country gather to participate witness and participate in Jorge Luis Borges' three-day Symposium at Dickinson. Joan Hoff Wilson delivered a speech on Tuesday evening regarding Watergate and its aftermath. EFFORT, or "Equality for Females: Our Rights Today," hosted the Second Annual Women's Party in an attempt to establish unity among women on campus. Dr. Kenneth Short discussed British propaganda films as a way of eliciting an Anglo-American alliance during World War II.


Dickinsonian, April 11, 1975

A severe windstorm causes damage to the campus taking out six trees. Retired professor John C. Pflaum, 71, dies of a heart attack in a car accident. Despite heavy opposition, the Nisbet Scholars Program is adopted by faculty at their last meeting. It will be implemented as an experimental two year program beginning with the class of 1980. Admissions reports a drop in the freshman class. Carl Sagan, winner of the 1975 Priestley award, spoke on the need for more unmanned exploration of the solar system at the award ceremony. Robert Greenler will receive the College's Glover memorial award.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 1972

The Committee on Institutional Priorities and Resources sets guideline on residency period. WDCV begins to rebroadcast after a two-and-a-half week suspension. In Dana Hall, three Michael Snow films to be presented by the Film Society. The Mermaid Players to perform The Rimers of Eldritch. The Drug Education Committee plans to expand programs. Dr. Bell Wiley delivers lecture on Confederate leaders during the Civil War in honor of Prof. John Pflaum. Prof. Robert Nilsson discusses possibility of a Consortium-run Junior College in Rome.

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Dickinsonian, October 14, 1960

This issue contains an article as well as an editorial concerning Dickinson's accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Student Senate approved loaning money to put towards a radio station at Dickinson. Professor John C. Pflaum, who recently returned from a trip to Russia, is featured, as well as German exchange student Dirk Bothe. An interview with a Professor Gavrilovic discusses the selection of New York for the United Nations. A letter to the editor explained the policies of Fraternity rushing.

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