Dickinsonian, September 20, 1974

The Institutional Priorities and Resources Committee continues a search for a new College registrar. Poet and author Lucille Clifton will present a poetry reading. Presidential selection, cleanliness and repair of dorms, and reports from each all-College committee highlight the first Student Senate meeting. Intramural football begins.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 1972

The Committee on Institutional Priorities and Resources sets guideline on residency period. WDCV begins to rebroadcast after a two-and-a-half week suspension. In Dana Hall, three Michael Snow films to be presented by the Film Society. The Mermaid Players to perform The Rimers of Eldritch. The Drug Education Committee plans to expand programs. Dr. Bell Wiley delivers lecture on Confederate leaders during the Civil War in honor of Prof. John Pflaum. Prof. Robert Nilsson discusses possibility of a Consortium-run Junior College in Rome.

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