Dickinsonian, June 5, 1943

Tau Delta Pi holds farewell banquet for seniors; Elizabeth Keen, Helen Kretschmar, Edith Ann Lingle, Jane Treyz, and Jo Ann Wilson are initiated into Tau Delta Pi; Elinor Derr and Estelle Mumford become Tau Delta Pi officers. Phi Kappa Sigma and Zeta Tau Alpha hold spring formals. Wheel and Chain taps eight new members: Marion Bender, Edith Ann Lingle, Kathleen Briner, Elinor Derr, Goldie Kunkle, Jane Treyz, Doris Bacastow, and Catherine Stern. Second summer session to be held. President Fred P. Corson speaks at Easter Sunrise Service at Arlington National Cemetery.

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Dickinsonian, April 16, 1943

College purchases microphone for speech clinic. A Music Room/Speech Clinic is created in Old West. Eleven Dickinson students volunteer as Nurses' Aides at Carlisle Hospital. George Yuda, sophomore, is hospitalized due to chemical burns sustained in a Dickinson lab. Tome basement is cleared and partitioned into four laboratories and classrooms.

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Dickinsonian, February 2, 1943

Theodore Strouse, Kathleen Briner, Nathaniel Yingling, Donald Ketels, Robert Curry, Clarence Nixon, James Tisdel, William Gale, Edith Ann Lingle, Robert Crist, and Charles Pratt, Jr. join Dickinsonian leadership. Dean E. A. Vuilleumier attends War Department's civilian protection school for training in gas protection. Skull and Key tapping ceremony.


Dickinsonian, January 14, 1943

Janet Respess is elected Mid-Winter Ball Queen. First January commencement ceremonies in Dickinson history to be held for wartime fast-track students. Stanley Wilson is elected president of Student Senate. Program of partial credit for partial semester completion adopted for those called to military service. Dramatic Club puts on "Campus Capers".


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1942

Dr. Gaither P. Warfield, '17, gives talks on his experiences of German concentration camps. Austin Grugan, Martin Helrich, Harold Gould, and William Rudy join Lambda Sigma Pi, science honor society. Jean Lentz is first female member of college band. Kay Price is first Dickinson drum majorette. Homecoming and Parent's Day.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1942

The Freshman Annex (formerly the Parker House) on S Hanover St opens to house twelve female students. Colonel Henry E. Smith, John C. Hepler, Dr. Bernice K. Grubb, Charles H. B. Kennedy, and Jane L. Evans join faculty. Dr. Elmer C. Herber publishes two papers on parasitology. Professor Horace E. Rogers leads Community Chest drive; changes to the way the drive is performed. Robert S. Whitman, Jr., '38, dies at Battle of Midway; Calvert S. Foote, '44, is MIA. Football team is largest in Dickinson history. The Navy V-1 Plan is established at Dickinson.

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Dickinsonian, March 15, 1934

Robert Bartley wins 1902 Class Award. Eddie Steele is elected basketball captain. C. R. Walther Thomas speaks to Union Philosophical Society about the state of Germany and Nazism. Omicron Delta Kappa convention held at Dickinson. Professor Mulford Stough speaks to Young People's Fellowship about the threat of war in the Balkans and Central Europe. Sigma Alpha Epsilon wins intramural basketball tournament. J. Gardner Zerby breaks college backstroke record.

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Dickinsonian, April 14, 1983

Borges' scholars from across the country gather to participate witness and participate in Jorge Luis Borges' three-day Symposium at Dickinson. Joan Hoff Wilson delivered a speech on Tuesday evening regarding Watergate and its aftermath. EFFORT, or "Equality for Females: Our Rights Today," hosted the Second Annual Women's Party in an attempt to establish unity among women on campus. Dr. Kenneth Short discussed British propaganda films as a way of eliciting an Anglo-American alliance during World War II.
