Dickinsonian, September 23, 2010

President Durden travels abroad to Berlin, Germany, to attend a reception by the Alexander von Humbolt Foundation. Dickinson Public Safety to offer a student shuttle service. Multi-Lingual Writing Center opens. Men's Soccer remains undefeated. Women's Soccer begins a winning streak.


Dickinsonian, April 3, 1980

Students oppose the proposed April 14 pledging cutoff. Senior Laurie Lucas is crowned Miss Cumberland Valley. Historian Fritz Stern discusses Einstein's Germany in a public lecture. Seniors in the Nisbet Program struggle with their Problem Oriented Experience papers, and faculty members question the program. Faculty approves the computer science major. Plagiarism resurfaces as a recurrent problem. Dr. Joseph R. Washington, Jr. addresses the future of the black church in the first speech of the Black Arts Festival.


Dickinsonian, March 15, 1934

Robert Bartley wins 1902 Class Award. Eddie Steele is elected basketball captain. C. R. Walther Thomas speaks to Union Philosophical Society about the state of Germany and Nazism. Omicron Delta Kappa convention held at Dickinson. Professor Mulford Stough speaks to Young People's Fellowship about the threat of war in the Balkans and Central Europe. Sigma Alpha Epsilon wins intramural basketball tournament. J. Gardner Zerby breaks college backstroke record.

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Dickinsonian, March 8, 1934

German Club plans to attend Wagnerian opera, invites all students and Carlislians. Omicron Delta Kappa to hold convention at Dickinson. President Morgan dissolves All-College Social committee. Fifty students begin on-campus work under provisions of Civil Works Administration. Union Philosophical society hears speech on Nazism. Basketball wins last game of season. Portraits in Bosler Hall are rearranged.


Dickinsonian, April 7, 1932

Helen Dickey is elected president of Women's Student Government Association, and Francis Yard is elected YWCA president, both unanimously. Cheerleader E. Huber Jessop is held up. Tribunal finds twelve men guilty of not moving bleachers. William M. Gilbert and Elwood J. Disque receive fellowships from German department for graduate study in Germany. Junior Cyril Hetsko and alumnus Wendel Morgenthaler are appointed as Pennsylvania representatives to the Young Democratic Clubs of America. Joseph Lipinski elected basketball captain.

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Dickinsonian, March 2, 1939

Rev. Dr. Henry Smith Leiper, leader in the world movement for peace and Christian unity , speaks on "Germany's New Religion" at a meeting of the Young People's Fellowship.  Bill Nickels speaks about the trips taken by the Social Survey Committee.  Fraternities Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, and Sigma Chi hold a dance entitled the "Miami Triad," with music from Don Peepbles.  Donations from James W.


Dickinsonian, January 12, 1939

College Social Committee brings Claude Hopkins and his orchestra to campus for a concert.  Greek Club holds a meeting devoted to "Idylls of Theocritus," its last meeting of the semester.  William Nicklets writes a piece bemoaning the female gender's attachment to the need for male chivalrous attention even as it demands equal legal and political rights.  Dickinson Glee Club holds first rehearsal of 1939.  Co-chairmen of the Inter-collegiate Newspaper Association's semi-annual convention at Dickinson College, George S. McGill and Christian V.

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Dickinsonian, October 13, 1938

The editorial board of the Dickinsonian publishes an open letter to the Board of Deans regarding the findings of a report conducted by the Faculty committee on Extra-Curricular Activities.  The Debating Association of Pennsylvania Colleges selects three topics for the coming debate season, with delegates from Dickinson making key contributions.  Charlis Alvin Jones, graduate of Dickinson Law School and democratic candidate for the office of governor of Pennsylvania, visits Dickinson for the annual Homecoming football game.  The Student Library Committee submitted req


Dickinsonian, September 29, 1938

Rushing activities for women's fraternities end as freshman girls and fraternities hand in pledges to Pan-Hellenic Council.  Belles Lettres Society begins its 152nd year of existence at Dickinson with October meeting.  John Burton Nicholson, Jr., accepts position as assistant librarian.  Mathematics Professor Frank Ayres, Jr., obtains a Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago.  Howard A.

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Dickinsonian, January 11, 1957

The City of Carlisle, England, will inaugurate automatic telephone service with a trans-Atlantic telephone call between that city and its American namesake, Carlisle, Pennsylvania - the first beyond British shores via the new automatic system. Herman Stuke, a German student who studied at Dickinson during his junior and senior years, writes to the College.


Dickinsonian, February 23, 1984

Student Immersion programs are currently being developed in Spain, France, and Germany. The Women's Center, at 222 Church Street, will open March 1st to provide lectures and exhibits focused on feminists issues. The Mermaid Players productions of Chamber Music and The Day The Whores Came Out to Play Tennis receive rave reviews. The first artist in residence sponsored by the music department will be Ustad Hamid Hossain--a master Sitarist from Bangladesh, India. The swim team and dive team prepare for their final meets.


Dickinsonian, April 2, 1971

The Student Senate hears two housing reports; one from Dean Markwood and one by the Ad Hoc Committee on Fraternity Housing. They also examined registration procedures. Multiple faculty members will be leaving or going on sabbatical. A team of twelve students with a faculty adviser will carry out an investigation of the Carlisle area's effects upon LeTort Spring and the Conodoguinet Creek from June 1 to August 19. Law and Social Work are the highest attended programs at Career Week. The Fine Arts Department will sponsor an exhibit by American artist Paul Feeley.
