Dickinsonian, May 21, 1921

Fred Holmes '24 wins first prize in the annual Freshman Oratorical Contest. The Dickinsonian attends a meeting of the Intercollegiate Newspaper Association at Gettysburg. The Freshman class votes 168-43 in favor of the Honor System. The Sophomore and Junior classes, Union Philosophical Society, McIntyre Literary Society, Harmon Literary Society, and Greek Club elect new officers.

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Dickinsonian, March 29, 1934

Professor Leon Cushing Prince decides to run for lieutenant governorship. Lloyd W. Hughes wins Phi Epsilon Pi award for being the most valuable basketball player. Dickinsonian sends representatives to convention of Intercollegiate Newspaper Association. Professor C. R. Walther Thomas becomes honorary member of Theta Chi. Alpha Chi Rho house catches fire; minimal damage.

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Dickinsonian, March 22, 1934

Dickinsonian representatives attend Intercollegiate Newspaper Association of the Middle Atlantic States convention. College applies for another month of CWA funds; student jobs under this program are described. W3YC's new radiotelephone transmitter functions. Katharine Loder receives scholarship to University of Toulouse. List of most popular books circulated in library for pleasure reading.

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Dickinsonian, May 31, 1924

The track team wins the Central Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Conference meet at Island Park in Harrisburg. The men's senate announces that the budget for student activities will be increased by $500 for the following year. An itinerary for commencement appears. The Dickinsonian is readmitted to the Intercollegiate Newspaper Association after an absence of two years. Four members of the senior class are graduated with highest honors, seven others are graduated with secondary honors. The non-fraternity women of the college found their own social association, known as the D.A.


Dickinsonian, November 4, 1939

The traditional Dad's Day, during which fathers of Dickinson students were welcomed to campus, is changed into the first all-inclusive Parent's Day. The results of an Intercollegiate Newspaper Association poll suggests that Dickinsonians are growing more liberal. Students protest the long-standing policy of only offering one day of vacation for Thanksgiving. A new physical education policy, requiring 112 hours of gym time by the end of sophomore year, is enacted. The campus surpasses its $800 goal for the local Chest Drive. The Mermaid is stolen from atop Old West.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1931

Freshman football team plays charity game against Gettysburg to benefit Emergency Relief Fund of Carlisle. Phi Delta Theta House opens with festivities. Intercollegiate Newspaper association meets at Dickinson. YMCA plans Armistice day service. Football team begins to use water wagon designed by Professor M. W. Eddy.
