Dickinsonian, November 7, 2003

Dickinson purchases four acres along North Street. Smoking on the patio of the Holland Union Building discussed. Two-day symposium on American power announced; Tom Gjelton and Steve Clemons to speak. Chuck Zwemer discusses new science building proposal. Double majoring is considered by Registrar and Assistant Dean Brenda Bretz. Gordon Quinn discusses his new PBS documentary on immigrant experiences. Work Study considered. Local cafe Ground for Appeal is featured.


Dickinsonian, February 1, 2007

Dickinson students are sued by their landlord for the way they treated their apartment. Sigma Chi fraternity, who recently sued the college, is denied preliminary injunction. The new Associate Dean Tim Poirier arrives on campus to assist his former colleague April Vari. At least fourteen Dickinson students join an anti-war demonstration in Washington D.C. Pennsylvania raises its minimum wage and thus Dickinson student workers see a pay increase.


Dickinsonian, March 22, 1934

Dickinsonian representatives attend Intercollegiate Newspaper Association of the Middle Atlantic States convention. College applies for another month of CWA funds; student jobs under this program are described. W3YC's new radiotelephone transmitter functions. Katharine Loder receives scholarship to University of Toulouse. List of most popular books circulated in library for pleasure reading.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 8, 1934

German Club plans to attend Wagnerian opera, invites all students and Carlislians. Omicron Delta Kappa to hold convention at Dickinson. President Morgan dissolves All-College Social committee. Fifty students begin on-campus work under provisions of Civil Works Administration. Union Philosophical society hears speech on Nazism. Basketball wins last game of season. Portraits in Bosler Hall are rearranged.


Dickinsonian, February 15, 1934

Annual Dickinsonian banquet. President Morgan attends meetings of the Association of the heads of Methodist Colleges and Seminaries and of the Association of American Colleges. The New Republic attacks Dickinson for unjust terminations and denial of academic freedom. Description of changes approved in the previous semester to the constitution for the Metzger WSGA. School of Family Relationships to hold second annual session at Dickinson. All-college Social committee plans for fraternity open-house dances following basketball games. Students apply for on-campus CWA jobs.


Dickinsonian, November 13, 1980

Discussion takes place on NCAA's proposal to govern women's athletics. The Kline Center is designated as exclusively for the use of Dickinson affiliated persons. Work-study students given minimum wage. Issues of segregation and insensitivity toward black Dickinson students is addressed at meeting at Strayer House. The Dickinson Follies put on their production of "Cabaret."
