Dickinsonian, November 7, 2003

Dickinson purchases four acres along North Street. Smoking on the patio of the Holland Union Building discussed. Two-day symposium on American power announced; Tom Gjelton and Steve Clemons to speak. Chuck Zwemer discusses new science building proposal. Double majoring is considered by Registrar and Assistant Dean Brenda Bretz. Gordon Quinn discusses his new PBS documentary on immigrant experiences. Work Study considered. Local cafe Ground for Appeal is featured.


Dickinsonian, December 7, 2006

The illegal distribution and sale of prescription drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin becomes very present on campus. A tuition increase for the 2007-2008 school year is announced, much to the dismay of students though it seems that they understand the reasons behind the increases. Although it meets the national and state safety requirements, Kaufman Hall still contains levels of toxins too high for Dickinson standards which will be handled over winter break. Pulitzer Prize winner Rita Dove comes to Dickinson as the recipient of the 2006 Stellfox Award.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 2006

The Public Affairs Symposium reveals next year's topic: "No Laughing Matter: Humor in a Complex World." Students lament the demolition of the James Science building, covering the walls with goodbyes and drawings. A new science building will be built in its place while the psychology, geology and environmental sciences will move to the newly renovated Kauffman building. It is revealed that Carlisle's air quality is the 24th worst in the nation.
