Dickinsonian, March 5, 2008

Dickinson's study abroad program based in Yaoundé, Cameroon continues despite civil unrest within the country.  Biddle Field renovations are scheduled for the summer.  After an unprecedented number of applicants, the off-campus-living lottery stirs controversy.  An increasingly number of Dickinson students participate in the Fulbright Scholarship program.


Dickinsonian, February 1, 2007

Dickinson students are sued by their landlord for the way they treated their apartment. Sigma Chi fraternity, who recently sued the college, is denied preliminary injunction. The new Associate Dean Tim Poirier arrives on campus to assist his former colleague April Vari. At least fourteen Dickinson students join an anti-war demonstration in Washington D.C. Pennsylvania raises its minimum wage and thus Dickinson student workers see a pay increase.


Dickinsonian, November 16, 2006

The owners of Casa Mani, a popular local coffee shop, express plans to build a coffee cart in the library for Dickinson students. Juniors, especially those studying abroad, express their distaste for the current application process for living off campus. Fourteen students and four faculty members commit their winter breaks to a service trip to Jamaica. The Dance Theatre Group prepares for its fall concert "Possible Landscapes" featuring four faculty-choreographed pieces. The Women's Cross Country Team become NCAA National Champions. Both the men's and women's swim teams are undefeated.


Dickinsonian, April 20, 2006

The Underground experiences a cut in hours due to a shortage in workers and lack of business late at night, upsetting many students. The building at 25/27 West High Street is acquired by the college to be transformed into senior apartments. Three fraternity houses are demolished to make way for new campus building projects such as adding on to Tome. Dickinson College wins the RecycleMania competition in the state of Pennsylvania and placed 24th nationally. The former DPS garage is transformed into an archaeology lab.


Dickinsonian, October 29, 2004

This issue includes articles on the 2004 national campaign for President, where students debate the political philosophies of the candidates, John Kerry and George W. Bush. The social media website, Facebook invades the College campus. Further discussion regarding Michael Moore's refusal to reschedule his lecture at Dickinson. Controversy over College shirts bearing the phrase, "Go Hard Big Dick." The Student Senate passes a resolution to begin a nightly shuttle service to off-campus housing.


Dickinsonian, April 8, 1993

Secrets of how to live off-campus revealed. Lack of candidates and voters tarnishes Senate races, three positions unfilled. New Student Senate president to fight apathy, inspire activity. Weather dampens events but not spirit of the first annual Peace Festival. Holocaust remembered by College. John Dickinson, founder or flounder. Propel yourself with "Velocity Girl". The cold "rained" supreme in Fl.


Dickinsonian, March 17, 1994

Quad 4 catches fire for the second time in four months due to an unattended cigarette. The number of seniors allowed to live off campus next year shrinks as not all dorms were filled this year. The Committee on Financial Aid releases an investigative report on their efficiency. Baseball season is delayed due to the snow.


Dickinsonian, April 7, 1983

Jorge Luis Borges opened his symposium on Wednesday night by giving a lecture on the poetry of Emily Dickinson and engaging the audience with a question and answer period. Yale's Insider's Guide to the Colleges drew negative responses from Dickinson's administration after the guide claimed that alcohol and "dope" were a large part of Dickinson's social scene. Professor Robert Dunn is offering a summer course in New York City regarding trends in writing and publishing.


Dickinsonian, October 24, 1984

College Treasurer James Nicholson resigns to pursue other career interests. College addresses issue of noise pollution from fraternities on campus, students living in Carlisle. Causes controversy among Inter-Fraternity Council members and Residential Life officials. Committee on Human Rights in Central and South America hosts "Teach-In" featuring Central American poetry, films, and a panel debate on U.S. foreign policy in Central America. Wellness Week profiles healthy living for student benefit. Dickinson begins work on promotional film. Snack bar named "Union Station.


Dickinsonian, April 9, 1992

More students than expected vote in senate elections. Record number of students who applied for off campus housing are denied. Bud Shaw, alumnus and activist, dies of AIDS. Students attend an abortion rights march in Washington, D.C. Symposium to be held to discuss the future of Cuba. Students and Safety and Security both pleased with HUB's all night hours. Walter Eddy discusses role of administration in Greek Life. Multiculturalism has become the goal and challenge for administrators. Editorial on the National Endowment for the Arts.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1968

The Back Alley Quintet is set to perform on Valentine Weekend in the Social Hall. Nine candidates for the various Student Senate positions unveiled their campaigns in the last week. The IFC held a series of lectures on fraternity life. Dean Gillespie announced that students over the age of 21 could now live in off-campus housing, under certain stipulations. The Rococo Company "Baroque" group is set to perform this weekend. A "moderate epidemic" of German measles arrived on campus, affecting twenty students, according to a nurses report.
