Dickinsonian, December 5, 1996

Star Trek icon, George Takei to deliver the Poitras-Gleim Lecture. Writer and political activist, Jo Freeman discusses feminism and family values at an event sponsored by the Clarke Center and Women's Studies. AIDS quilt on display in the Trout Gallery, honoring all victims of AIDS. Deli Creations monopolizes late-night student market. Men's Basketball defeats Ursinus. Matt Bixler and Charles Warren named to Don Hansen's National Weekly Football Gazette South Region All-American team.


Dickinsonian, April 13, 2006

Public Safety increases security in response to recent cases of assault and trespassing on and near campus. For the second year in a row, Dickinson U-Turn will be accepting various donations of unwanted items to be sent to Project SHARE and United Way at the end of the semester. Two students present "The World After" in the Cubiculo to raise money for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and to promote AIDS awareness on campus.


Dickinsonian, April 25, 1991

College to focus on issue of diversity in re-accreditation process. Common Hour discusses AIDS and students. SASC (Student Affairs and Services Committee) examines freshmen little sister rush. Former President Howard Rubendall dies. Living Colour plays at Kline. Pres. Fritschler creates Commission on the Environment. Trout Gallery displays studio art students' work. Collegium Musicum performs Renaissance pieces. Kappa Alpha Theta and Theta Chi win Greek Week lip sync contest. Amoroso Strings gives concert. Seniors Heather Stewart, Tod Matha, and Karen Beaver give recitals.

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Dickinsonian, December 1, 1994

Speaker relates his personal experience with HIV for World AIDS Day. Office of Safety and Security sponsors bicycle registration in light of the growing problem of bicycle theft on campus. College continues its search for a new Dean. Sophomores now eligible for RA positions. Holiday tree giving, Candlelight service pledge for less fortunate. Student entrepreneurs tell their stories.

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Dickinsonian, November 19, 1992

Students recognize National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week with 4 events. College Club fails to unify. Professor Marvin Israel welcomes controversy. AIDS Memorial quilt stands as a sign of the times. Speaker addresses China's problem of reform. Third world dinner increases awareness. Students spend Tuesday night in Morgan Field. The job market is tough, but the career center can help. Between Revolutions ponders the past. Freshman plays offer something wild. Ned's Atomic Dustbin asks "Are You Normal?"

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Dickinsonian, November 12, 1992

Weekend cross burning inflames Carlisle community. Trout Gallery to display AIDS quilt. Week planned to raise awareness about homelessness. Clinton faces voter mandate. Beta Theta Pi beats Sigma Chi in race for Senate funding. Baseball caps have become popular on campus. Hudlin Brothers find success and social consciousness. DTG's "Company D" gives audience an imaginative range of talent.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 1992

Winds of change blow Clinton into Oval Office. Substance free housing proposed. College faces possible "no parking" sign violations in Mooreland lot. Third annual rape awareness week proves successful. Studies tie the economy to election results. Lines in the cafeteria still long, even after renovations. Stars take "Time Out" for AIDS awareness Scientists search for simple cures to complex diseases.


Dickinsonian, December 2, 1993

Required chemistry labs 131 and 132 are combined into a new more hands-on approach in Chemistry 141-foundations of chemistry. The Affirmative Action Officer updates the college's discrimination policy by changing the wording of prohibition of discrimination based on "gender" to discrimination based on "sex" and also adding the probation of discrimination due to "sexual orientation." Student Senate finds a bank error in their favor, collecting $40,000. On Sunday the 24th, a glass Coke bottle filled with tobacco "juice" shatters, spilling onto and damaging multiple books in the library.


Dickinsonian, September 16, 1993

Admissions attributes the smallest freshman class in years, 487, to the recession. On September 13th, the White House serves as a neutral ground for Israeli Prime Minister Yatzhiz Rabin and Chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Yasir Arafat, to sign a peace treaty entitled "The Declaration of Principles" to end hostility between the two groups. The IFC decides to make a standard procedure for Men's Rush. Dickinson Professors discuss the Bosnian conflict. Freshmen give a review of orientation. 1975 Dickinson alum Reverend David F.


Dickinsonian, September 9, 1993

An article announces college students as the newest high risk group for AIDS. The new Dean of Educational Services, Dean Emerick, looks forward to getting to know students and adapting to the campus. The YWCA and the Social Justice Coalition of Carlisle will sponsor the second annual Rainbow Festival celebrating cultural and racial differences in the community. Three Emergency phones are installed by the Safety and Security office. When a button is pushed they will offer a direct line to the Safety office. Economics professors speak out on President Clinton's new proposed Budget.


Dickinsonian, April 9, 1987

Michael J. Netto explains and defends the college meal plans because of complaints by students of the cost. Students continue to speak out about AIDS and give their own advice and opinions. The Blue Hats or Wheel and Chain society is recognized and appreciated on campus for the work they do. The Men's Tennis Team continues to succeed this season. A former Dickinson student, Jonathan Monheit, a former Dickinson freshman, was the first man to be admitted to Goucher College since it went co-ed.

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Dickinsonian, March 13, 1987

Students discuss the impact and fear of AIDS in society and on campus. Students also comment upon the unavailability of contraceptives on campus. Thomas F. Banchoff, professor of mathematics at Brown University will receive the Joseph Priestley Award. The Men's Golf Team has been having a successful season so far with only one loss.


Dickinsonian, October 9, 1986

The three-year suspension on Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity has just been lifted this academic year. Stuart Merl, a Carlisle Hospital physician, speaks out about AIDS and denies that AIDS is "a homosexual disease." Professors David Strand and Karyn Hollis are part of the Coalition Against Apartheid, that holds weekly meetings. BACCHUS, an organization on campus that speaks about alcohol on campus, has been trying to take measures to prevent underage drinking.

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Dickinsonian, October 2, 1986

Students discuss a Congressional debate on whether or not to make rural interstate speed limits from 55 mph to 65 mph. Stuart A. Merl, an oncologist at Carlisle Hospital, speaks about "The Ethical Implications of AIDS" on campus. Professor Robert Olmstead has made positive changes to "The Dickinson Review," the literary magazine on campus. Mary Koss, the keynote speaker for Sexuality Education Week, spoke out about rape, "every day seduction" and double-standards in society, which caused quite a stir on campus.

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Dickinsonian, April 23, 1992

Ad-Hoc committee on social life presents report to senate. Wellness Week common hour focuses on HIV/AIDS, remembers Bud Shaw. Senate passes agreement on groups using College's name. Shootings on South Pitt cause concern for student safety. Holocaust remembrance week to emphasize secular education. Environmental groups call for increased awareness. Political science professor Bruce Andrews prepares to retire after 32 years. Ritual, the origin of art and a question of space. Several underground student publications have emerged.


Dickinsonian, April 9, 1992

More students than expected vote in senate elections. Record number of students who applied for off campus housing are denied. Bud Shaw, alumnus and activist, dies of AIDS. Students attend an abortion rights march in Washington, D.C. Symposium to be held to discuss the future of Cuba. Students and Safety and Security both pleased with HUB's all night hours. Walter Eddy discusses role of administration in Greek Life. Multiculturalism has become the goal and challenge for administrators. Editorial on the National Endowment for the Arts.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1991

Red Devils Football will face Lycoming Crusaders in playoffs. Richard Carper speaks on lessons from AIDS. Quads 5 and 6 to be renovated next summer. MLK Research Center for Cultural Awareness opened. Tutor linking program reaches freshman seminars. Preliminary plan for ethnic studies program discussed. Peace Action group proposes the development of a Peace and Justice program. Profile of American Studies Professor Lonna Malmsheimer. Students returning from abroad cope with culture shock. Mozart's Requim performs by the College Choir and Orchestra. Eaken Piano Trio presents Mozart Tribute.

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