Dickinsonian, December 2, 1993

Required chemistry labs 131 and 132 are combined into a new more hands-on approach in Chemistry 141-foundations of chemistry. The Affirmative Action Officer updates the college's discrimination policy by changing the wording of prohibition of discrimination based on "gender" to discrimination based on "sex" and also adding the probation of discrimination due to "sexual orientation." Student Senate finds a bank error in their favor, collecting $40,000. On Sunday the 24th, a glass Coke bottle filled with tobacco "juice" shatters, spilling onto and damaging multiple books in the library.


Dickinsonian, November 22, 1976

In this edition, a tuition increase was issued, which raised tuition to about $300 more for the '77-'78 school year. The Affirmative Action Committee of Dickinson College is reviewing and revising the Title IX (against sex discrimination) self-study. Apparently the AAC recommended that the Raven's Claw and Wheel and Chain societies be excluded from the campus, since both are only all-male or all-female members.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 25, 1974

John M. Bevan, candidate for College president, examines the importance of a liberal arts education. The Follies production of Superman opens next week. Gulf Oil foundation presents the College with a $1000 grant for audio-visual equipment. Ronald E. Doernbach is selected as the new College registrar. Bruce Springsteen's concert is well received, however the College looses money on it. The College purchases a new Interdata 7/32 minicomputer system.
