Dickinsonian, November 1, 1979

The Charles A. Dana foundation awards the college with a $400,000 challenge grant to help complete building the Life/Sports Learning Center. The Interfraternity Council ban of upper class Independent men from the Quads is overturned after being ruled in violation of Title IX. The President of the Interfraternity Council, John Dooney, discusses the issues that the IFC has with the current Fraternity Residential Agreement. The President's wife, Judy Banks, donates a kidney to her sister.


Dickinsonian, November 22, 1976

In this edition, a tuition increase was issued, which raised tuition to about $300 more for the '77-'78 school year. The Affirmative Action Committee of Dickinson College is reviewing and revising the Title IX (against sex discrimination) self-study. Apparently the AAC recommended that the Raven's Claw and Wheel and Chain societies be excluded from the campus, since both are only all-male or all-female members.

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Dickinsonian, October 14, 1976

In this issue, there is more discussion about the Ford/Carter Presidential debates, especially on foreign policy. The Faculty Committee rejects a proposal by the nontenured faculty who wished to replace tenure with a contract system that would hire professors for a certain amount of years. Assistant news director for the College, Jeff Wiles, resigned from his position. Title IX, "the federal remedy for sex discrimination in higher education," has caused disputes at colleges across the country, including Dickinson.

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Dickinsonian, February 6, 1976

Poet Robert Kelly spends week at College. In a Denny Hall ceremony, Prof. Roland Fletcher is promoted to Major in the US Army. College Dean George Allan proposes changes in tenure and faculty development policies. College plans self-study in regards to Title IX law. Student Committee for Social Reorganization organizes Roster Boycott to gain "a more equitable living situation." The upcoming Public Affairs Symposium receives a special supplement.

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