Dickinsonian, November 1, 1979

The Charles A. Dana foundation awards the college with a $400,000 challenge grant to help complete building the Life/Sports Learning Center. The Interfraternity Council ban of upper class Independent men from the Quads is overturned after being ruled in violation of Title IX. The President of the Interfraternity Council, John Dooney, discusses the issues that the IFC has with the current Fraternity Residential Agreement. The President's wife, Judy Banks, donates a kidney to her sister.


Dickinsonian, January 30, 1985

Dickinson announces a 9.9% tuition increase to meet rising costs of institutional improvements. Students studying off campus run into a number of problems on return, chiefest among them the disorganization of course registration. College receives $1 million grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. $200,000 received from the Charles A. Dana Foundation for providing jobs to students in the areas of their academic interest. Parking lot formerly reserved for students re-designated as faculty and staff parking, much to students' frustration.


Dickinsonian, January 12, 1968

Dave Totaro assumed the role of Editor-in-Chief of the Dickinsonian. The Dana Foundation announced a $250,000 grant to Dickinson to support teaching. The Public Affairs Symposium explores the possibility of using television as a medium for their presentations. Two students were suspended from the school for the remainder of the semester. Al Juechter was voted the new President of the Interfraternity Council. Merle Allshouse is set to replace Richard Waner as Associate Dean of the College effective July 1.
