Dickinsonian, September 5, 1996

Philanthropist and financial donor, Mary Louise D'Olier Shuman passed away recently in Carlisle. Residence halls are equipped for cable and internet. Associate Professor of Classical Studies, Mary Moser passed away over the summer in Carlisle. Professor of Comparative Civilizations, Vytautas Kavolis passed away over the summer while conducting research in Lithuania. The Clarke Center is bringing the 3rd Annual Pennsylvania Environmental Congress to the Dickinson campus. Article describing the Convocation ceremony. Footballer Matt Bixler receives his fifth preseason All-America Award.

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Dickinsonian, November 14, 1991

Board of Trustees approves architect firms for renovation of ATS and expansion of Boyd Lee Spahr Library. Walk-a-thon raises funds for Jay Feinberg. Paid phone-athoners reap more profits. President Fritschler reflects on his trip to Russia. Pole sitting fundraiser raises money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Past and future of Tibet analyzed. Anglo-American Society seeks to dispel racist rumors. Professor Ron Libertus speaks on Native Americans in film. Profile of Sociology professor Vytautas Kavolis. Students take an opportunity to volunteer with the Special Kids program.


Dickinsonian, June 19, 1975

Summer enrollment is up, however the housing experiment fails as off-campus housing rises. Many College support personnel remain unhappy with the overtime wages received for Commencement weekend. Sociology Professor Vytautas M. Kavolis is named the Charles A. Dana Professor of Comparative Civilizations.


Dickinsonian, December 19, 1968

Student Mobilization Committee forms to protest a number of academic and social rules. Linus Pauling wins Priestley Memorial Award. Afro-American Organization presents rebuttal to Prof. Clarke Garrett's paper on Discovery Week, claiming black students felt "quite insulted" by it. Possibility of Miss Dickinson contest discussed. Pete Tamburro defends Greek seating and rush against minority report of Campus Affairs Committee. Prof. Benjamin James engages in veteran counseling service. Dr. Vytautas Kavolis explains social context of "student rebellions."

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Dickinsonian, October 25, 1968

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) stages controversial Anti-ROTC demonstration. Sabicas and Malcolm Frager to present Cultural Affairs concerts. Coalition of Democratic and Independent Voters, along with Young Democrats and SDS (at first), urges students to boycott grapes in dining hall so as to bring attention to California workers' union controversy. Design of Tuvin Cultural Center revealed. Professor Larry Warner pledges to Sigma Chi. Professor Vytautas Kavolis discusses sociological connections to art in recent book "Artistic Expression - A Sociological Analysis."


Dickinsonian, July 16, 1968

The PEER group for underprivileged Carlisle children visited Gettysburg battlefield, where they re-enacted Pickett's Charge, and the State Capitol as part of their summer program. Professor Henry Hanson's geology students traveled to Iceland to study volcanic sedimentation. The grant the college received from the Ford Foundation, which guarantees a dollar for every three dollars donated to the college, is nearing its mark. Dr. Vytautas Kavolis, a Dickinson Anthropology professor, finished work on a Sociology text. The ROTC heads at Dickinson departed for duty overseas.


Dickinsonian, January 12, 1968

Dave Totaro assumed the role of Editor-in-Chief of the Dickinsonian. The Dana Foundation announced a $250,000 grant to Dickinson to support teaching. The Public Affairs Symposium explores the possibility of using television as a medium for their presentations. Two students were suspended from the school for the remainder of the semester. Al Juechter was voted the new President of the Interfraternity Council. Merle Allshouse is set to replace Richard Waner as Associate Dean of the College effective July 1.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1969

Deans debate how to deal with the problem of fraternity housing as housing space is limited and fraternities are not filling up their residence halls. The Social Affairs Committee proposes that fraternities be given a list of all personal to live in the house and any that do not fill their hall will be moved to a smaller residence hall. A 5 part proposal was introduced at a Policy Committee meeting to foster more open communication between students and faculty.


Dickinsonian, April 21, 1967

Student Affairs Committee reconsiders rush plan. The reconsideration leads to plan's approval. The Brothers Four headline Spring Weekend festivities. "Open Door" to occupy site in unused Union Basement. Humanities Fund donations total nearly $4000. Prof. Vytautas Kavolis' book "The Social Structure of Artistic Expression" due next year. Joseph Duffy to speak in chapel. "Collages" magazine staff to disband due to lack of support. Dr. Francis Warlow takes two-year position in Washington, D.C.

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