College Treasurer James Nicholson resigns to pursue other career interests. College addresses issue of noise pollution from fraternities on campus, students living in Carlisle. Causes controversy among Inter-Fraternity Council members and Residential Life officials. Committee on Human Rights in Central and South America hosts "Teach-In" featuring Central American poetry, films, and a panel debate on U.S. foreign policy in Central America. Wellness Week profiles healthy living for student benefit. Dickinson begins work on promotional film. Snack bar named "Union Station. Denny Hall reopened after completion of renovation projects. "Winter's Tale" reviewed, praised. College Community Orchestra and College Choir performances reviewed. Stained-glass window, "Possibilities," by Fine Arts Professor Dennis Akin, installed and dedicated at Weiss Center. Visiting scholar Peter Arnott reinterprets Euripides "The Bacchae" through marionettes. Dickinson Cross-Country win's Dickinson's third annual invitational. Football continues unlucky streak, falls 41-10 before Swarthmore.