Dickinsonian, January 28, 1899

The New York Association of the Alumni holds a dinner. A few sophomore class members crashed the Freshmen Banquet and abducted a freshman, resulting in a chase around the streets of Carlisle and the involvement of the Carlisle Police. Dr. Prince has succeeded in obtaining a copy of the Magna Charta. A reader responds to the Dickinsonian's comments about the General Alumni Association from a previous issue. A student at Dickinson dies of pneumonia.


Dickinsonian, January 14, 1899

An article encourages students to spend more time in studying the Bible, and other states the importance of attending chapel regularly. Discussion of the importance of the Literary Society. Another article comments on the disappointing state of the General Alumni Association of Dickinson. Phi Delta Theta Fraternity took their annual sleigh ride up to the Mt. Holly Inn. Article comments on compulsory church attendance for students.


Dickinsonian, January 19, 1940

Samuel McCartney is tapped to replace Paul Gorsuch as editor-in-chief of the Dickinsonian. The General Alumni Association publishes its annual report, revealing that there are 5,161 living Dickinson graduates--at least one in every U.S. state and 27 foreign countries. A plan for all fraternities to cancel their spring formals and donate all money to be used for them to an all-College inter-fraternity ball is rejected outright.


Dickinsonian, June 3, 1932

Professor Russell I. Thompson to receive PhD from Yale due to thesis focusing on Carlisle public schools. Class Day held for seniors. President Karl Tinsley Waugh inaugurated. Profile of Karl Tinsley Waugh. The Dickinsonian places ninth in the nation at collegiate newspaper competition. Summary of 1931 football season. General Alumni association holds elections to its board. John Wesley Oler is highest academic achiever of class of 1932, receives James Fowler Rushing prize. Davis Roland Hobbs is second-highest academic achiever of class of 1932, receives John Patton memorial prize.


Dickinsonian, November 10, 1927

The Alumni Council holds their annual banquet with Boyd Lee Spahr as keynote speaker. A statistic study of the freshman class indicates that half of the members are either Presbyterian or Methodist. The Debate Club announces the subjects for intercollegiate debate this year. The Pelletier-Shakespeare company will present a group of Shakespearean tragedies. The freshman cast for The Goose with the Golden Egg is chosen. The College hosted many enthusiastic alumni this past Homecoming weekend.

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