Dickinsonian, May 10, 1934
Alumni ask trustees for impartial investigation into Karl Tinsley Waugh's resignation. An All-College Committee on Religious Affairs is planned. Protestant students present their faith to Young People's Fellowship.
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Alumni ask trustees for impartial investigation into Karl Tinsley Waugh's resignation. An All-College Committee on Religious Affairs is planned. Protestant students present their faith to Young People's Fellowship.
List of freshman class and overview of states they represent. College's heating system is rebuilt. Microcosm no longer to focus on senior class and no longer to be sole responsibility of Juniors. Freshman orientation. New demerit system outlined. Carnegie Room opened in Denny to display art. Karl T. Waugh resigns presidency; James Henry Morgan is elected president for third time. Watson Pedlow, '29, and Fred Klemm, '33, study abroad in Germany (description of how this is financed). Montgomery P. Sellers recovers from nervous breakdown and eye injury.
Juniors will be allowed to take classes at the Law School. Letters given out to 11 men, including 9 Freshmen. President Waugh puts forth a plan to delay rushing before the Interfraternity Council. Article on Dickinson in the Philadelphia Inquirer. Club members abolish the International Relations Club. Article on the Commuter's Room and the ways in which this privilege has been abused. Lawn party to be held at Metzger Hall. Dean Meredith won prize. Dickinson and Franklin & Marshall tie in annual track meet.
President Waugh and Dean Hitchler give alumni assurances about the direction the college is going in, even though it is a tough economic time. Dickinson's dog population continues to increase. Elections to the Board of Trustees are soon to come. Schedule of upcoming speakers at Chapel. Lindsey Richard won the annual Omicron Delta Kappa sophomore cup award. The winter edition of the Hornbook to appear March 31, 1933. New leaders elected to the YWCA and WSGA.
Student committee on social affairs and the faculty social committee to change organization of social functions. About 25 students plan to go to Washington, D.C. for Franklin Roosevelt's presidential inauguration. Junior class votes to have Microcosm dedicated to Mr. Malcolm, the college's treasurer and superintendent of the grounds and buildings. Plans for students to go to a performance of one of Wagner's operas commence. Metzger Hall gets brighter lights by request of its residents. President Waugh proposes changes to the curriculum, which the faculty will vote on soon.
President Waugh and professors attend a hearing in Harrisburg to speak against the newly proposed bill that would end liberal arts colleges' ability to train secondary teachers. Sophomores to hold their annual dance on Saturday. Junior Prom plans are being finished. Men's Glee club to perform Sunday evening. Four new juniors are elected to the Alpha Sigma Gamma, honorary journalism award. An article about the contents of girls' waste-paper baskets. Fraternities figure out new favors to give girls that come to their dances. Belles Lettres Society elects new officers.
The Board of Trustees met and discussed modernizing the campus, the endowment, and alumni contributions. A speakers' bureaus will be formed to allow students to practice public speaking outside of debating. Plans for the Miami Triad formal dance, hosted by Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi, are almost complete. Speech on "Patriotism versus Nationalism" will occur at the next meeting of the Young People's Fellowship. Belles Lettres Society to gain new officers.
Dickinson's Men's Basketball team defeated by Mount St. Mary. Students elect new Athletic Association officers. Someone stole medicine from the infirmary. Sigma Tau Phi is currently winning the Interfraternity Basketball Series. Students perform "The Haunted House" mystery play. President Waugh showed off his dance skills at the Skull and Key Ball. More action taken to plan the sesquicentennial dance. Microcosm beauty contests begins. New president of the Union Philosophical Society elected. Informal Student Investigation Committee on better school spirit presented their findings.
A. J. "Dad" Elliot, a Christian leader, challenges students to engage more in Christian practices. Many freshmen, the registrar reveals, are related to former Dickinsonians. The annual Doll Show was held Dec. 16, 1932 and resulted in $40.00 being donated to the Shiremanstown Home along with dolls and other gifts. German club showing a "talkie" in the annual German picture showing. Students ratify the new Athletic Association constitution. Prof. Albert H Gerberich investigates the genealogy of film actress Lillian Gish. Dramatic Club to perform "Haunted House" Thursday, Jan. 19th.
President Waugh becomes involved in the Athletic Association's attempts to establish a new constitution. Microcosm will hold beauty contest for 5 best looking girls. Dickinson students will go to Bucknell to attend the Regional Conference of International Relations Clubs. Annual Doll Show will be held in new gym. More than 200 students attended the Christmas party held at the Allison Memorial Church. Plans have not yet started for the Sesquicentennial Ball. Awaiting student ratification of the Athletic Association's new constitution.
Professor Russell I. Thompson to receive PhD from Yale due to thesis focusing on Carlisle public schools. Class Day held for seniors. President Karl Tinsley Waugh inaugurated. Profile of Karl Tinsley Waugh. The Dickinsonian places ninth in the nation at collegiate newspaper competition. Summary of 1931 football season. General Alumni association holds elections to its board. John Wesley Oler is highest academic achiever of class of 1932, receives James Fowler Rushing prize. Davis Roland Hobbs is second-highest academic achiever of class of 1932, receives John Patton memorial prize.
"D" Banquet held; new rules of football league are presented. Men's Senate resolves to increase freshman rules. Annual prayer week begins. President Karl T. Waugh creates teacher placement bureau to assist Dickinson alumni and undergraduates in finding teaching positions.
Richard Wolfrom receives outstanding Sophomore award from Omicron Delta Kappa. Intercollegiate Disarmament Council distributes petition around campus concerning Sino-Japanese affair. German club sponsors Max Montor to present Goethe's poetic works. Class deans explain demerit system in response to student agitation; students are further agitated by the knowledge. President Karl T. Waugh creates faculty committee to propose new demerit system. College shortwave broadcasting system W3YC makes contact with foreign radio stations. E.
Inauguration of President Karl T. Waugh planned. Greek club presents Heracles play. Dickinsonian to hold annual banquet. Seminar on inter-religious harmony held.
Homecoming weekend is a success. President Karl T. Waugh gives first address to college.