Dickinsonian, September 28, 1933

List of freshman class and overview of states they represent. College's heating system is rebuilt. Microcosm no longer to focus on senior class and no longer to be sole responsibility of Juniors. Freshman orientation. New demerit system outlined. Carnegie Room opened in Denny to display art. Karl T. Waugh resigns presidency; James Henry Morgan is elected president for third time. Watson Pedlow, '29, and Fred Klemm, '33, study abroad in Germany (description of how this is financed). Montgomery P. Sellers recovers from nervous breakdown and eye injury.


Dickinsonian, March 17, 1932

Richard Wolfrom receives outstanding Sophomore award from Omicron Delta Kappa. Intercollegiate Disarmament Council distributes petition around campus concerning Sino-Japanese affair. German club sponsors Max Montor to present Goethe's poetic works. Class deans explain demerit system in response to student agitation; students are further agitated by the knowledge. President Karl T. Waugh creates faculty committee to propose new demerit system. College shortwave broadcasting system W3YC makes contact with foreign radio stations. E.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1932

Worst men's basketball season in history ends with a defeat over Gettysburg. Grippe epidemic. Faculty obliges Women's Student Government Association's petition for explanation of demerit system. Men's Senate creates resolutions concerning the demerit system.


Dickinsonian, March 3, 1932

Alpha Chi Rho places automobile in Bosler hall. Tribunal punishes five freshmen. Annual Dickinsonian banquet is held. Women's Student Government Association petitions President Waugh to explain ambiguous demerit system to student body. Sigma Chi wins intramural basketball championship.
