Dickinsonian, May 11, 1933

Student Senate abolishes the Men's Tribunal and creates a new senate committee to take over the Tribunal's duties. May Day festivities are unlikely to be held. College buys new recording machine for the use of the orchestra.

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Dickinsonian, April 27, 1933

Dickinson sends delegates to Penn State to discuss issues in student governments. Men's Senate reviews plans to change the organization of senate. Plans for the pageant on Alumni Day during commencement to celebrate the Sesquicentennial come together. The Dickinson will start a survey to discover if the student population is made up of pacifists or traditional patriots. Alumni form an alumni club in Boston. Women's sports schedule is made. Dickinson beats Lehigh in opening Baseball game.


Dickinsonian, January 12, 1933

A. J. "Dad" Elliot, a Christian leader, challenges students to engage more in Christian practices. Many freshmen, the registrar reveals, are related to former Dickinsonians. The annual Doll Show was held Dec. 16, 1932 and resulted in $40.00 being donated to the Shiremanstown Home along with dolls and other gifts. German club showing a "talkie" in the annual German picture showing. Students ratify the new Athletic Association constitution. Prof. Albert H Gerberich investigates the genealogy of film actress Lillian Gish. Dramatic Club to perform "Haunted House" Thursday, Jan. 19th.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1932

Presidential candidate, William D. Upshaw, speaks to student body in Bosler Hall. The Debate Team, to begin try-outs shortly, has gotten the topics to be debated this season from Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Debating Association. The Board approved the purchase of the Mooreland Estate. The English Department has decided to support the publication of a student literary magazine. Governor Gifford Pinchot decides to celebrate the 200th anniversary of John Dickinson's birth on November 8th.

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Dickinsonian, September 29, 1932

Dickinson changes policy to an absence based policy from a demerit system. The size of the campus is enlarged after the college buys the Mooreland Estate and deer park. The Football team has high hopes for their season and appear to be in a good position to win games this season. The rush activities begin for the fraternities on campus. The college is to celebrate its sesquicentennial in the coming year. A German exchange student's perspective of life at Dickinson is offered. Tribunal on "erring freshmen" held.
