Dickinsonian, November 11, 2010

A Greek Life panel draws a large crowd. Pakistan Flood Relief Concert beats fundraising goal. Dickinson and the Carlisle Family YMCA forge an agreement. Football wins against Juniata. Swimming victorious against Scranton. Women's Soccer to host the NCAA Regionals.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 2010

Performance artist David Garibaldi performs in ATS. Carlisle main roads under construction to reduce traffic. Debate over themed parties hosted by Greek Life. Professor Sandra Soto gives a lecture on the Arizona immigration issue. Women's Golf places fourth in home opening match. Women's Soccer defeats top-ranked Messiah team.

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Dickinsonian, September 29, 1932

Dickinson changes policy to an absence based policy from a demerit system. The size of the campus is enlarged after the college buys the Mooreland Estate and deer park. The Football team has high hopes for their season and appear to be in a good position to win games this season. The rush activities begin for the fraternities on campus. The college is to celebrate its sesquicentennial in the coming year. A German exchange student's perspective of life at Dickinson is offered. Tribunal on "erring freshmen" held.


Dickinsonian, September 24, 1931

A complication in a medical surgery proves fatal for senior Isabel Super. Professor Gerald Burns joins the Sociology Department and Miss Janet Sinclair hired as an assistant at the library. Discussion of the selection of the new president. Eighty new books are added to the library's holdings. New rules adopted for greek life rushing process.
