Dickinsonian, January 11, 1917
Interfraternity basketball series begins. Dramatic club to begin producing modern plays. YMCA holds prayer meetings in jail. Intercollegiate Prohibition Association sends delegates to national convention.
Interfraternity basketball series begins. Dramatic club to begin producing modern plays. YMCA holds prayer meetings in jail. Intercollegiate Prohibition Association sends delegates to national convention.
Maurice Palm '18 elected football captain. YWCA to hold annual doll show. Plans for an interfraternity basketball competition are begun. Union Philosophical Society and Belles Lettres Society hold first rounds of tryouts. Union Philosophical Society elects officers.
The Board of Trustees met and discussed modernizing the campus, the endowment, and alumni contributions. A speakers' bureaus will be formed to allow students to practice public speaking outside of debating. Plans for the Miami Triad formal dance, hosted by Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi, are almost complete. Speech on "Patriotism versus Nationalism" will occur at the next meeting of the Young People's Fellowship. Belles Lettres Society to gain new officers.
Dickinson's Men's Basketball team defeated by Mount St. Mary. Students elect new Athletic Association officers. Someone stole medicine from the infirmary. Sigma Tau Phi is currently winning the Interfraternity Basketball Series. Students perform "The Haunted House" mystery play. President Waugh showed off his dance skills at the Skull and Key Ball. More action taken to plan the sesquicentennial dance. Microcosm beauty contests begins. New president of the Union Philosophical Society elected. Informal Student Investigation Committee on better school spirit presented their findings.
A. J. "Dad" Elliot, a Christian leader, challenges students to engage more in Christian practices. Many freshmen, the registrar reveals, are related to former Dickinsonians. The annual Doll Show was held Dec. 16, 1932 and resulted in $40.00 being donated to the Shiremanstown Home along with dolls and other gifts. German club showing a "talkie" in the annual German picture showing. Students ratify the new Athletic Association constitution. Prof. Albert H Gerberich investigates the genealogy of film actress Lillian Gish. Dramatic Club to perform "Haunted House" Thursday, Jan. 19th.
Approximately 40 sentences were given out to Freshmen by the Men's Student Tribunal for various infractions. Board of Trustees decides to offer 5 scholarships (full tuition for the students' first year) to those students with the best essays about John Dickinson. Article recounting the Phi Delta Theta convention at Dickinson, held the previous weekend. The first issue of the new literary magazine came out with much success. The Athletic Association has a new constitution proposed--article includes the proposal.
Dickinsonian to hold annual banquet. Sigma Chi wins Interfraternity cup in intramural basketball. A portrait of James Wilson to be purchased for the college under the leadership of Boyd Lee Spahr, Esq. Debate team defeats Penn State. Men's basketball finishes its season with a second defeat of Gettysburg. Interfraternity Council reforms rushing rules.
New classes added to curriculum relating to the war and war in general. Student Opinions Surveys of America polls reveal that patriotism has risen in college students since the United States became involved in the war. Dickinson offers accelerated program in accordance with the government's recommendation. Article discusses legacy students in the Freshmen class. Robert C. Dietz, though reported missing in action in the last issue, was found and is alive and safe.