Dickinsonian, June 20, 1919

Commencement issue.  Pierson Oratorical Contest and Sophomore Oratorical contest are held.  Inter-society debate is held.  Dickinson Players to perform As You Like It.  List of graduating class members.  Returning classes elect class officers.  Dr. Edmund D. Soper '98 speaks on Japan and China.  Elma May Houseman '19 wins James Fowler Rusling Scholarship Prize.  Esther A. B. Popel wins Patton Prize.  List of those elected to Phi Beta Kappa.


Dickinsonian, June 5, 1897

The Belles Lettres Society adds books to its library and elects new officers.  The editors look back on the first year of the weekly Dickinsonian.  Dr. M. W. Prince gives a very well received lecture to a large crowd at the Opera House.  The fraternity banquets to be held during Commencement are announced.  The Dickinson Law Society elects new officers.  New Phi Beta Kappa members are announced.  The new society halls in Denny Hall have been furnished, and the programme for Denny Hall's dedication is announced.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 23, 1933

President Waugh and professors attend a hearing in Harrisburg to speak against the newly proposed bill that would end liberal arts colleges' ability to train secondary teachers. Sophomores to hold their annual dance on Saturday. Junior Prom plans are being finished. Men's Glee club to perform Sunday evening. Four new juniors are elected to the Alpha Sigma Gamma, honorary journalism award. An article about the contents of girls' waste-paper baskets. Fraternities figure out new favors to give girls that come to their dances. Belles Lettres Society elects new officers.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 16, 1933

The Board of Trustees met and discussed modernizing the campus, the endowment, and alumni contributions. A speakers' bureaus will be formed to allow students to practice public speaking outside of debating. Plans for the Miami Triad formal dance, hosted by Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi, are almost complete. Speech on "Patriotism versus Nationalism" will occur at the next meeting of the Young People's Fellowship. Belles Lettres Society to gain new officers.


Dickinsonian, June 2, 1928

In the last Dickinsonian of the academic year, eighty-five seniors graduate with eight elected to the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society.  The Belles Lettres Exhibit of Historic Dickinson and other exhibits are reopened in Bosler Hall for returning alumni. Furthermore, under the direction of librarian May Morris, over 700 books were added to the library and more than 2400 volumes relocated from the inaccessible old sections to the new through the previous year.  Dickinson is called upon to finish its new gymnasium.


Dickinsonian, February 23, 1928

This week's Dickinsonian reports that the Medley Relay Team takes third place at the annual intercollegiate Philadelphia meet. Martha Sloan, President of the Women's Student Senate of Wilson College, will discuss "Practical Problems of Student Government" at a meeting of the Women's Student Government Association. The Dickinsonian announces a contest to establish the most popular woman, from the male standpoint, at the college. A brief history of the establishment of the Dickinsonian is published. Prof. J. Ogden Franklin speaks to the college Y.M.C.A.


Dickinsonian, June 7, 1947

Ten seniors elected to national scholastic honor society Phi Beta Kappa. Raven's Claw taps seven seniors. Herbert Sheidy is elected president of Student Senate. Editorial staff for 1947-1948 Microcosm is announced. Russell I. Thompson succeeds Ernest A. Vuilleumier as College Dean. Whitfield J. Bell succeeds Thompson as sophomore dean. Founders' Day is celebrated. Omicron Delta Kappa elects officers; John Hopper is president. Overview of men's basketball, track, and swimming seasons.
