Dickinsonian, June 20, 1919

Commencement issue.  Pierson Oratorical Contest and Sophomore Oratorical contest are held.  Inter-society debate is held.  Dickinson Players to perform As You Like It.  List of graduating class members.  Returning classes elect class officers.  Dr. Edmund D. Soper '98 speaks on Japan and China.  Elma May Houseman '19 wins James Fowler Rusling Scholarship Prize.  Esther A. B. Popel wins Patton Prize.  List of those elected to Phi Beta Kappa.


Dickinsonian, May 27, 1914

The Dickinson baseball team defeats Gettysburg, but loses to Lehigh. The Dickinson Players are to present Euripides’ Iphigenia in Tauris as the Commencement play. The senior class held their annual Senior Day in Holly. The class Senators were elected for the coming year. The Skitch-a-genee Society also elected its new successors. The Commencement Program is announced.


Dickinsonian, April 19, 1934

Omicron Delta Kappa plans Sub-Freshman day for prospective students. William R. Woodward received fellowship from Institute of International Education. Pennsylvania to revise its constitution, to hold Intercollegiate Constitutional Convention, Dickinson to participate. Benjamin R. Epstein, '33, receives Jusserand Fellowship and American German Student Exchagne fellowship. After-dinner inter-fraterntiy religious discussion series proves success. Dickinson Players plan to present "Dover Road". Klein S. Merriman receives Omicron Delta Kappa Outstanding Sophomore Award.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 7, 1933

Dickinson Players to put on "Icebound" by Owen Davis. Doll Show is planned. Robert "Josh" Bartley becomes football captain for 1934 season. Muhlenberg defeats Dickinson football in last game of season; overview of season. Gettysburg defeats men's soccer in final game of season. German club takes trip to Baltimore German-speaking church. Student Senate creates budget with large cuts to student organizations and a restructuring of the Microcosm's financing. Dickinson Club of West Branch Valley (alumni club near Williamsport) is founded.


Dickinsonian, April 27, 1935

Events for the inauguration of Fred P. Corson as president of the college are planned. The Dickinson Players present “The Late Christopher Bean” at Bosler Hall. The Biology Department attempts to draw a correlation between a person’s success and his birth month. A Dickinson French exchange student passes away while in Florida. The college holds a luncheon for prospective students. The Debate Team defeats Franklin and Marshall in a debate of the munitions question


Dickinsonian, February 14, 1935

Changes in The Dickinsonian staff are announced. The Debate Team loses to Lafayette and will soon face off with Muhlenberg. The prom chairman announces the date of the Junior Prom. President Corson issues a budget for student groups. Professor Parlin perfects a portable intensitometer and a set of colored filters, which together are used to test the degree and type of colorblindness. A French diplomat addresses the International Relations club in a speech about World Peace and the League of Nations.


Dickinsonian, June 4, 1927

New system and rules for fraternity rushing described. The Dickinson Players presented the annual Commencement Play, performing "Are You a Mason?" Opening of the new Beta Theta Pi fraternity house. Miss Edna E. White presented to the College a large Galilean reflecting telescope. S. Marsh Johnson resigns from his post as the Varsity Coach, and Robert H. Duffy is elected to replace him. The Carnegie Corporation of New York has awarded an art collection to the College of "considerable value." An article outlines the events of Alumni Day.


Dickinsonian, December 12, 1935

The Dickinsonian accepts ten new staff writers, roughly one-third of the applicants. The Jewish Religious Association organizes three chapel programs, as well as biweekly meetings, emulating activities of the Protestant and Catholic groups on campus. The Dickinson Players' production of The Goose Hangs High opens in Bosler Hall. Phi Epsilon Pi pledges hold an unusual, yet popular informal dance, the theme of which was "vacation" in honor of the upcoming holiday recess.


Dickinsonian, February 2, 1928

Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart will lecture on illiteracy. President Morgan is taken to the hospital having suffered from a breakdown. Prof. F.E. Craver is considered for a supervising football coach next year. The Dickinson Players will present the comedy Tea For Three. Men's Senate passed a resolution requesting the publicity committee of that body to confer with the editor of The Dickinsonian in an effort to determine whether the paper could be improved. Organization of Alpha Gamma Honorary Journalistic Fraternity is completed.
