Dickinsonian, February 4, 1910

"Minna Von Barnheim" play is a great success.  Comus Club holds its midwinter dance.  Day of Prayer is observed.  Freshmen hold banquet.  Passed Dickinsonians compiled, some found to be missing.  Speaker Elbert Hubbard is entertained by Alpha Chi Rho after delivering an excellent lecture o the College.  Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance in the Armory.  Sophomores and Freshman have a scrap, which ends in a tie. 

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Dickinsonian, September 21, 1910

Doctor Reed gives year opening address.  German professor Dr. Prettyman to take a year off for study and travel.  Ladies of the class of 1913 host informal reception for the Sophomore men in Assembly Hall.  First meeting of Student Assembly held in Bosler Hall, addressed by Dr. Reed.  Plan to add subscription to The Dickinsonian to all students' bill proposed by President Clarkson and passed.  Sophomores successfully hang their poster, after a scrap with Freshmen.  Samuel Brown to temporarily replace Dr.

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Dickinsonian, October 2, 1897

The YMCA holds two special, well attended events, with speakers.  Professor emeritus Dr. Harman passes away.  The board of The Dickinsonian moves into a new room in West College.  Dr.


Dickinsonian, June 5, 1897

The Belles Lettres Society adds books to its library and elects new officers.  The editors look back on the first year of the weekly Dickinsonian.  Dr. M. W. Prince gives a very well received lecture to a large crowd at the Opera House.  The fraternity banquets to be held during Commencement are announced.  The Dickinson Law Society elects new officers.  New Phi Beta Kappa members are announced.  The new society halls in Denny Hall have been furnished, and the programme for Denny Hall's dedication is announced.

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Dickinsonian, February 23, 1928

This week's Dickinsonian reports that the Medley Relay Team takes third place at the annual intercollegiate Philadelphia meet. Martha Sloan, President of the Women's Student Senate of Wilson College, will discuss "Practical Problems of Student Government" at a meeting of the Women's Student Government Association. The Dickinsonian announces a contest to establish the most popular woman, from the male standpoint, at the college. A brief history of the establishment of the Dickinsonian is published. Prof. J. Ogden Franklin speaks to the college Y.M.C.A.
