Dickinsonian, October 1, 1921

All-college picnic planned. Leon Simonetti ’24 is elected leader of the College Orchestra. Sophomores win annual flag scrap. Football season begins. YWCA begins service project assisting girls in Appalachia. Rushing schedule. Belles Lettres elects officers. Student Senate elects cheer leaders.


Dickinsonian, September 26, 1919

Professors William W. Landis, Wilbur H. Norcross, and Craver return to the college after being absent.  Professors Battenhouse and M. A. Dawber join faculty.  Sophomores win annual flag scrap.  Matriculation service is held.  List of members of incoming class.  Students who had left to serve in WWI return to the college.  YMCA holds annual reception in honor of freshmen. 


Dickinsonian, September 21, 1910

Doctor Reed gives year opening address.  German professor Dr. Prettyman to take a year off for study and travel.  Ladies of the class of 1913 host informal reception for the Sophomore men in Assembly Hall.  First meeting of Student Assembly held in Bosler Hall, addressed by Dr. Reed.  Plan to add subscription to The Dickinsonian to all students' bill proposed by President Clarkson and passed.  Sophomores successfully hang their poster, after a scrap with Freshmen.  Samuel Brown to temporarily replace Dr.

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Dickinsonian, September 28, 1916

The new academic year opens with a ceremony; Professor Leon C. Prince gives matriculation sermon. Wilbur H. Norcross ’07 and G. Lafayette Cram join faculty. Miss Helen Burns ’12 becomes college librarian. Sophomores win annual flag scrap. YMCA holds annual reception for new students. Metzger Hall is renovated and fitted with electric lights; has highest occupancy yet. The deceased Professor William Lambert Gooding is remembered. Conway Hall, South College, and Biddle Field are renovated.

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Dickinsonian, October 4, 1934

President Corson begins his term in office. The sophomore class wins the annual freshman-sophomore flag scrap. The Athletic Board decides to institute a student price for football tickets. The football team ties Hobart in the first game of the season. It is announced that the French exchange student has arrived on campus, and relates her criticisms of the US. A grant has made it possible for Dickinson to pay sixty-eight part-time student workers. The Omicron chapter of Sigma Chi will celebrate its 75th anniversary at Dickinson this year. The retiring president, Dr.
